Countil Meeting Archives

Council Meeting Archive: 2003-2005

Below are some of the reference documents, summaries, and motions prepared for and produced from the meetings held 2003 through 2005.

- 2004 - 2003

Items FOR the December 2005 meeting - AGENDA

MRA Trip discussion paper
Amendments to Halibut/ Sablefish IFQ Program (OmnibusV)
BSAI Pcod Amendment 85 discussion paper
CDQ Amendment 71 discussion paper updated 11/21
Modify CDQ Program EA/RIR
GOA Rationalization Alternatives, Community Provisions
Salmon and Crab bycatch paper, maps

Items FROM the December 2005 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

CDQ motion
Bering Sea Habitat Conservation motion
P.cod allocations
GOA Rationalization community provisions
Council recommended specs for 2006-2007 BSAI and GOA groundfish fisheries
Halibut Charter IFQ motion
Right Whale Critical Habitat letter 12/19/05

Items FOR the October 2005 meeting - AGENDA

GOA Rationalization Overview of Alternatives and Preliminary Analysis
Bairdi Amendment 20
C-6 GOA Groundfish Ratz
(a) Community Provisions
(b) Alternatives/Options
(c) Crab/Salmon Bycatch
BSAI Amendment 80, IRIU large file (5MB)
BSAI Amendment 85 P.cod allocations
BSAI Amendment 84 Salmon bycatch (large file 20MB, call our office for a hardcopy if you can't download it) Executive Summary,

Items FROM the October 2005 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

IRIU motion - Amendment 80
CDQ motion, 10/05
Salmon bycatch motion 10/05
Council motion on BSAI Am. 85 – Pacific cod sector allocations,
Alternatives and options for BSAI FMP Am. 85 to revise the BSAI Pacific cod allocations
Halibut summary

Items FOR the June 2005 meeting - AGENDA

GOA Groundfish Community Committee recommendations
Observer Program EA/RIR; Observer Advisory Committee report, 5/12/05
Disc. paper to establish a new funding and deployment mechanism for the NPGOP
Pcod Allocations discussion paper, Hard/Soft caps discussion paper
GOA Rockfish EA/RIR 2.5MB
Bairdi Crab EA/RIR
Amendment 80 IRIU 3MB
BSAI Salmon Bycatch EA/RIR, maps

Items FROM the June 2005 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

GOA Rationalization Community Provisions (suite of options), motion
Pcod Allocations: motion,  Alternatives
BSAI Amendment 80 Council motion, elements and options
GOA Rockfish Pilot Program Elements and Options (updated 6/20)
BSAI Salmon bycatch motion

Items FOR the April 2005 meeting - AGENDA

BSAI Pcod allocations paper
Rockfish Discussion Paper

Items FROM the April 2005 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

Central GOA Rockfish Pilot Program motion 4/05
BSAI Salmon Bycatch motion
Enforcement Considerations
Gulf rationalization community committee report 3/30/05- FINAL
Ecosystem Management Discussion Paper 4/05
Council motion on BSAI Pacific cod allocations and Elements and options for BSAI Pacific cod allocations (updated as of 4/8/05)
Council motion on the CDQ Program

Items FOR the February 2005 meeting - AGENDA

BSAI Pcod allocations discussion paper 1/05
HAPC EA/RIR 1/05 (large file, 5MB)

Items FROM the February 2005 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

HAPC/EFH motion and maps
IFQ actions
GOA community provisions
IRIU Amendment 80 motion
Pacific cod allocations
Ecosystem Committee 2/05 minutes
BSAI Salmon bycatch motion
BSAI Salmon bycatch discussion paper
Rockfish Pilot Program motion Clean version, Strikeout version


Items FOR the December 2004 meeting - AGENDA

Halibut Subsistence III
Changes to the Halibut/Sablefish IFQ program Area 4C/4D, Regulatory package
Pacific Cod Allocations discussion paper
EA/RIR Observer Restructuring, 11/04
GOA Groundfish Rationalization annotated motions for 12/04 meeting

Items FROM the December 2004 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

Council recommended Specs for BSAI and GOA
Motion: BSAI Pacific cod sector allocations
Council Comments to NMFS on Crab Rationalization proposed rule
IFQ Program Changes
IRIU motion
Halibut Subsistence motion
EFH/HAPC motion
GOA Rationalization Motion:
- Clean Copy
- Markup Copy
- Rockfish motion
- Rockfish Pilot Program

Items FOR the October 2004 meeting - AGENDA

DRAFT revised FMP's: BSAI, GOA (both 2.5 MB)
EFH Maps and Letter
IFQ/CDQ Halibut 4C 4D
GOA Rockfish discussion paper
GOA Groundfish Rationalization discussion paper
Halibut Subsistence III
IRIU Amendment 80 Discussion paper, Effects of Amendment 80 on the Parallel Fisheries, Subdividing TACs
Crab SAFE executive summary

Items FROM the October 2004 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

Halibut Subsistence motion
IFQ motion
CDQ motion
GOA Groundfish
PSEIS Workplan

IRIU motion

Items FOR the June 2004 meeting - AGENDA

IRIU discussion paper
Adak Pollock EA BSAI Amendment 82
Modifying CDQ program Management of CDQ Reserves
Scallop LLP EA, Amendment 10 to the Scallop FMP
Non-Target Species Paper
IFQ Discussion Paper
Subsistence Halibut Trailing Amendments
Crab arbitration system legal opinion 5/04
Rockfish Vessel List
HAPC Alternatives and Maps

Items FROM the June 2004 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

IRIU 80 Comp. and Options
Aleutian Islands Pollock
Observer Program
CDQ Program
SSL Changes in GOA
Rockfish motion 6/04
Entire Rockfish program with June additions/changes

Items for the March/April 2004 meeting - AGENDA

Plan Team Review of HAPC proposals
Initial Review Draft EA/RIR for Amendment 82 to the BSAI FMP and regulatory amendments to allow the allocation of future Aleutian Islands pollock specifications to the Aleut Corporation as required by Statute, March 2004
Observer Program Discussion  Paper 3/04
Draft Comment Analysis Report for the groundfish PSEIS is now available

Items FROM the March/April 2004 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

Council motions on HAPC, PGSEIS, AI Pollock. Observer issues, CDQ Program GOA Groundfish motions: RockfishState Waters, Updated: Groundfish motion, BOF GOA Groundfish Alternatives (4/04)
Programmatic SEIS Timeline, worksheet, and Preferred Alternative

Items FOR & FROM the February 2004 meeting - AGENDA - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

IRIU, Observer Issues, GOA Rationalization, tables, AI Pollock, BSAI Crab
GOA Groundfish Rationalization discussion paper


Items FOR the December 2003 meeting - AGENDA

BSAI Crab EIS 11/03
Observer Restructuring 11/03
December information on GOA Groundfish Rationalization

Items FROM the December 2003 meeting - NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

GOA Groundfish Rationalization Elements and Options
IRIU December 03 motion
GOA and BSAI Presentations
2004 AP and SSC Appointments
Stephanie Madsen elected Chair of the Council

Items FOR & FROM the October 2003 meeting - AGENDA- NEWSLETTER - MINUTES

GOA Groundfish Rationalization
EFH motion
HAPC Proposal
GOA Amendment 66 Community IFQ proposed rule

IRIU motion