News Archive

What's New: June 2012

cranes under Chesapeake Bay Bridge

NOAA Aids Navigation for Vessel Delivering Massive Cranes to Port of Baltimore

On June 20, the M/V Zhen Hua 13 delivered new cranes from China to the Port of Baltimore by navigating the waters of Chesapeake Bay. To reach this destination, the cranes had to clear a major obstacle—passing under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge outside of Annapolis. More...

NOAA Ship Ferdinand R. Hassler

NOAA Commissions High-Tech Coastal Mapping Ship

On June 8, NOAA commissioned the Ferdinand R. Hassler, a state-of-the art coastal mapping vessel to detect and monitor changes to the sea floor. More...

Google map image of historical survey of San Francisco

New NOAA Historical Shoreline Survey Viewer

With over half of the U.S. population living in coastal areas, it's no wonder that our shorelines have dramatically changed over time. Now, with NOAA's new Historical Shoreline Survey Viewer, it's easy to access a large number of historical shoreline surveys conducted by NOAA and its predecessor organizations. More...

MPAs allow human uses, including fishing, swimming, and kayaking

New Analysis Shows Eight Percent of U.S. Marine Waters are Protected

A recent analysis of updated data shows that eight percent of our U.S. marine waters are currently designated as marine protected areas (MPAs). The majority of these areas are open to fishing and other activities. U.S. sites are catalogued in the recently updated MPA Inventory. More...
