News Archive

What's New: March 2011

image of survey map

Hundreds Participate in First-Ever Simultaneous Nationwide GPS Survey

On March 19, surveyors around the U.S. took part in the first-ever Surveying USA Day, a kick-off event commemorating Surveyor's Week. This nationwide event provides an opportunity for professional, government, and independent surveyors to collect GPS data simultaneously from various different methods, including handheld GPS devices, as well as more sophisticated surveying equipment. More...

tidal graph with moon in background

'Super Full Moon' Not Expected to Produce High Tides

A rare lunar/solar alignment will occur this weekend, March 19-20. This event will coincide with perigee, the point when the moon is closest to Earth. This year's lunar perigee is notable because the moon will be closer to Earth than it has been since 1993. While these events are rare, NOAA's tide experts from the Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services predict that U.S coastal areas will not experience extreme or abnormally high and low tides. More...


New NOAA Website Tracks Federal Investments along Your Coast

NOAA's Office of Coastal Resource Management (OCRM) now offers "OCRM in Your State," a new online resource which employs the latest GIS/web technology to illustrate federal investments in coastal management programs in 34 states and territories. More...


Human Health and Climate Change: NOAA-funded Studies Reveal the Connections

A panel of scientists recently unveiled new research funded by NOAA's Oceans and Human Health Initiative (OHHI) at the 177th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC. The three studies demonstrate how climate change could increase human-health risks originating from ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems. More...

Screenshot of NST data portal

NOAA Releases National Status and Trends Data Portal

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science has launched the National Status and Trends data portal, an interactive Web-based tool developed in collaboration with the NOS Special Projects Office. More...
