News Archive

What's New: August 2010


NOAA Hydrographic Surveys Protect Whales and Prevent Vessel Collisions

Several hydrographic surveys managed by NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey recently reached important milestones. In July, Coast Survey acquired hydrographic survey data that will help protect North Atlantic Right Whale calves. More...

filleting a lionfish

Scientists Say Fishing Could Control Unwelcome Lionfish on Some Reefs

Scientists at NOS’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) and their colleagues just completed a study suggesting that approximately one-quarter of an adult lionfish population would have to be removed monthly to reduce the invasion rate of lionfish, a native Indo-Pacific species that has invaded Atlantic and Caribbean waters in recent years. NCCOS collaborated with NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center and North Carolina State University on the study, which provides a preliminary target for coastal communities and island nations trying to stem the tide of the comely yet unwelcome “lions.” More...
