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Coastal Management Issues
Stormwater Management

All coastal areas are subject to the potentially damaging effects of stormwater runoff, particularly in developed areas.  Unmanaged stormwater from impervious surfaces like asphalt harms water quality accelerates erosion and damages natural and human habitats alike.  Reserve Coastal Training Programs help municipal officials and profession audiences address stormwater issues by offering workshops, technical assistance and demonstrations (i.e., University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center) of new stormwater control technologies.

Storm water CTP Map San Francisco, CA Tijuana River, CA Kachemak Bay, AK Wells, ME Great Bay, NH Old Woman Creek, OH Jacques Cousteau, NJ Chesapeake Bay, MD North Carolina North Inlet-Winyah, SC ACE Basin, SC Sapelo Island, GA Weeks Bay, AL GTM, FL Apalachicola, FL Mission-Aransas, TX Rookery Bay, FL Jobos Bay, PR

Reserve Coastal Training Programs Addressing Stormwater Management in Training Activities 2006-07

Last Updated on: Tuesday, September 29, 2009
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