National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Community Education
Engaging Citizens in Behavioral Change that Leads to Resource Conservation

WHEN, WHY and HOW are communities most likely to act and influence change to protect their local estuary?

Reserve staff believe it takes not only students and teachers but also members from a community to advance and promote good practices that improve the health of the environment. We are working to understand how best to engage various communities and generate community education programs that respond to local needs. Community education programs at Research Reserves are a means to foster behavioral change to promote resource conservation and to support the mission of the Reserve System.  

Community education in the Reserve System focuses on audiences whose choices directly impact the integrity of our estuaries and their associated watersheds, but who are outside of the Coastal Training Program target audience (coastal-decision makers) and formal education programs, including K-20.

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Last Updated on: Friday, October 30, 2009
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