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Report: How Learning About Estuaries Meets State & National Science Education Standards

Improving the effectiveness of programs and products by using the best practices and the latest knowledge is an important part of NERRS approach to environmental literacy.

NERRS Education is committed to advancing evaluation practices to improve the results of its efforts and to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding effective environmental and science education.

Listed below are some key educational reports that relate to estuary science education. A more complete list of resources can be found at the site.

Report: SWMP/IOOS Real Time Data in K-12 Classrooms

How Learning about Estuaries meets State and National Science Education Standards (2008) PDF format

The State of Estuarine Education: K–12 Needs Assessment (2007) PDF format

Achieving Environmental Literacy with NOAA’s Observing Systems Data (2005) PDF format

SWMP/IOOS Real-Time Data in K-12 Classrooms: A Front-end Evaluation (2006) PDF format

Inventory and Assessment of K-12 and Professional Teacher Development Programs in NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System (2003) PDF format

Last Updated on: Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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