National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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Community Education
Our Vision for Promoting Change

NERRS Logic Model for Advancing Behavior Change Through Community Education Programs

Long Term Outcome:

  • Communities benefit from improved environmental quality in their estuaries and associated watersheds.

Mid-term Outcomes:

  • Citizens make personal choices that lessen their detrimental impact on coastal resources.
  • Citizens contribute to resource protection and restoration by participating in research, monitoring and stewardship volunteer programs.
  • Citizens exercise their right to participate in government to support stewardship of coastal resources.

Short-term Outcomes:

  • Target audiences demonstrate knowledge about specific techniques to minimize negative impact and maximize positive impact on estuarine resources.
  • Citizens demonstrate understanding of the cultural, economic and ecological interdependence between human activity and estuarine resources.

Last Updated on: Friday, October 16, 2009
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