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Recent Observations on Management of Didemnum

Observation No. 1:

Coutts, A.D.M., 2002, A biosecurity investigation of a barge in the Marlborough Sounds (New Zealand): Cawthron Institute Report 744, 68 p. (PDF format)

Observation No. 2:

Sinner, J., and Coutts, A.D.M., 2003, Benefit-cost analysis of management options for Didemnum vexillum in Shakespeare Bay (New Zealand): Cawthron Institute Report 924, 29 p. (PDF format)

Observation No. 3:

Coutts, A.D.M., and Sinner, J., 2004, An updated benefit-cost analysis of management options for Didemnum vexillum in Queen Charlotte Sound (New Zealand): Cawthron Institute Report 925, 29 p. (PDF format)

Observation No. 4:

Coutts, A., 2006, An evaluation of incursion response tools for invasive species: a case study of Didemnum vexillum in the Marlborough Sounds (New Zealand): Cawthron Institute Report 1093, 84 p. Prepared for Biosecurity New Zealand. (PDF format)

Observation No. 5:

Pannel, A., and Coutts, A.D.M., 2007, Treatment methods used to manage Didemnum verxillum in New Zealand: New Zealand Marine Farming Association, Inc. report, 43 p. Prepared for Biosecurity New Zealand, March 2007. (PDF format)

Observation No. 6:

Denny, C. M., 2008, Development of a method to reduce the spread of the ascidian Didemnum vexillum with aquaculture transfers: ICES Journal of Marine Science Advance Access, April 8, 2008, p. 1-6. (PDF format)

Observation No. 7:

Kleeman, S., 2009, Didemnum vexillum – Feasibility of eradication and/or control: Countryside Council for Wales Science Report No. 875, 51p. (PDF format)

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