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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - C

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

C - Centigrade

C& DH - Command and Data Handling

C&A - Certification and Accreditation

C3S - NPOESS Command, Control, and Communications Segment

CA - Conjunction Assessment or Control Account

CADU - Channel Access Data Unit

CAGE - Commercial and Government Entity

CAL - Calibration Data

Cal/Val - Calibration/Validation

CAM - Control Account Manager

CAP - Cartridge Access Port or Control Account Plan

CAPE - Collection Activity Planning Element

CAPERD - CAPE Requirements Document

CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis

CBC - Cipher Block Chaining

CBG - Configuration and Build Guide

CC - Cubic Convolution or Computer Compatible Tape or Cloud Cover

CCA - Cloud Cover Assessment

CCB - Configuration Control Board

CCD - Charge-Coupled Device

CCM - Cloud Cover Manager

CCP - Configuration Change Process, Contamination Control Process, or Cloud Cover Prediction

CCR - Configuration Change Request

CCRS - Canada Center for Remote Sensing

CCS - COI Cleanup System or Confirmed Contact Schedule or Constellation Coordination System

CCSDS - Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems

CCT - Computer Compatible Tape

CD - Change Directory or Compact Disk

CDB - Centralized Database

CDBS - Centralized Database System

CDE - Common Desktop Environment

CDI - Capture Device Identifier

CDMS - Carrier Doppler Measurement System

CDR - Critical Design Review or Calibration Data Record

CDRL - Contract Data Requirements List

CD-ROM - Compact Disk-Read Only Memory

CDS - Coded Data Segment or Comprehensive Discrepancy System

CDT - Central Daylight Time

CE - Circular Error

CEOS - Committee on Earth Observing Satellites

CERT - Community Emergency Response Team

CF - Correction Factor or Cloud Fraction

CFC - Contact Forecast Confirmation or Cloud Fraction Climatology

CFDP - CCSDS File Delivery Protocol

CFP - Cold Focal Plane

CFPA - Cold Focal Plan Array or Cold Focal Plane Assembly

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations, Contact Forecast Request

CGB - Calculated Gains and Biases

CI - Configuration Item

CIA - Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability

CIC - Computer Interrupt Code

CIL - Critical Items List

CIO - Chief Information Officer

CIRC - Computer Incident Reporting Center

CIS - Center for Information Security

CISO - Chief Information Security Officer

CIU - Controls Interface Unit

CLCW - Command Link Control Word

CLR - Combined Labor Rate Contractor Labor Rate

CLTU - Command Link Transmission Unit

CLU - Climate and Land Use

cm - Centimeter

CM - Configuration Management

CMD - Command

CMM - Capability Maturity Model

CMO - Configuration Management Office

CMP - Configuration Management Plan

CMS - Content Management System

CN - Coherent Noise

CNDs - Could-Not-Duplicates

CNR - Carrier-to-Noise Ratio

CO - Contract Officer or Content Owner

COC - Certificate of Completion or Cost of Consequence

COFUR - Cost of Fulfilling a User Request

COG - Center of Gravity or Continuity of Government

COI - Common Order Interface

COLA - Collision Avoidance

COMM - Communications Subsystem

Con Ops - Concept of Operations

CONAE - Commission Nacional De Actividades Espaciales

CONUS - Continental United States

COOP - Continuity of Operations

COQ - Cost of Quality

COR - Contracting Officer Representative or Cost of Reproduction

COTR - Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative

COTS - Commercial Off-the-Shelf

CP - Calibration Parameter

CPF - Calibration Parameter File

CPFF - Cost-Plus-Fixed Fee

CPI - Cost Performance Index

CPIC - Capital Planning and Investment Control

CPR - Cost Performance Report

CPS - Calibration Parameter Management and Testing Subsystem

CPT - Comprehensive Performance Test

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CR - Central Repository or Controlled Repository or Change Request

CR1 - Computer Room 1

CR1MSS - Computer Room 1 Mass Storage System

CR2 - Computer Room 2

CR3 - Computer Room 3

CRaM - Combined Radiometric Model

CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check or Cyclic Redundancy Code

CRIT - Central Repository Integration and Test

CRM - Customer Relationship Management or Continuous Risk Management

CRMP - Continuous Risk Management Plan

CROPS - Central Repository Operations

CRSSGS - China Remote Sensing Satellite Grand Station

CRST - Central Repository System Test

CRTEST - Central Repository Test

CS - Customer Service

CSA - Configuration Status Accounting

CSAM - Cyber Security Assessment Management

CSC - Computer Software Component

CSCI - Computer Software Configuration Item

CSIRT - Computer Security Incident Report Team

CSIS - Control and Schedule Interface System

CSR - Capture Success Rate, Capture Success Ratio

CSU - Computer Software Units

CSV - Comma Separated Values

CTE - Calibration Test Equipment or Compatibility Test Equipment

CTP - Command and Telemetry Processors

CTS - Capture Transfer Subsystem

CTV - Compatibility Test Van

CV - Command Verification or Cost Variance

CV-5 - Calibration and Validation 5

CV-7 - Calibration and Validation 7

CVCDU - Coded Virtual Channel Data Unit

CVCM - Collected Volatile Condensable Material or Collected Volatile Condensable Mass

CVDQA - Calibration Validation Data Quality Assurance

CVE - Calibration Validation Element

CVS - Concurrent Versions System

CVT - Calibration and Validation Team

CVTK - Calibration / Validation Tool Kit

CVTKRD - Calibration and Validation Toolkit Requirements Document

CVWG - Calibration-Validation Working Group

CW - Continuous Wave

CWBS - Contractor Work Breakdown Structure

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Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm