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Landsat Missions

Acronyms - I

     Tools| A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| Numbers| ALL

I - In-Phase Channel

I1 - Internet 1

I2 - Internet 2

I&T - Integration and Test

I/O - Input/Output

I2I - Image-to-Image

I2RV - Improved Inter-Range Vector Message

IA - Implementing Agreement or Impact Analysis or International Activities

IAC - Independent Assurance Contractor or Issue Assessment Code

IAD - Ion-Assisted Deposition

IAS - Image Assessment Subsystem (LDCM) or Image Assessment System

IASICP - IAS Internal Calibrator Pulse

IATO - Interim Authority To Operate

IAW - In Association With

IBM - International Business Machines

IBR - Integrated Baseline Review

IC - Interface Control or International Cooperator or Internal Calibrator or Internal Cache

ICD - Interface Control Document

ICDR - Instrument Critical Design Review

ICe - Internal Calibrator processing for Emissive bands

ICF - Initial Correction Factor

ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol

ICO - International Cooperator Office

ICT - Interface Connectivity Testing

ICVS - Independent Calibration and Verification Segment or Independent Characterization and Verification System

ID - Infrastructure Design, Interface Documents, or Identification

IDCS - Image Data Collection Schedule

IDD - Interface Definitions Document

IDE - Integrated Device Electronics or Infrastructure Development or Integrated Development Environment

IDF - Interval Definition File or Image Data File

IDPS - Image Data Processing Subsystem

IDR - IAS Data Recorder

IDS - Intrusion Detection System

IE - Infrastructure Element

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force

IF - Intermediate Frequency

IFAT - ITOS File Accounting Tool

IFFT - Inverse Fast Fourier Transform

IFOV - Instrument Field of View or Instantaneous Field of View

IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol

IGS - Integrated Security Gateway or International Ground Station

IIRV - Improved Inter-Range Vector

IIOP - Internet Inter-ORB Protocol

IKE - Internet Key Exchange

ILI - IGS to LAM Interface

IM - Instant Message

IMB - Issue Management Board

IMF - Inverse Minor Frames or Interval Metadata File

IMP - Information Management Plan or Integrated Master Plan

IMR - Issue Management Record

IMS - Integrated Master Schedule or Information Management System

IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit or Internal Measurement Unit

IMWD - Internet Moving Window Display

IN - Impulse Noise or Ingest

INFOSEC - Information Security

INM - IGS Network Manager

INPE - National Institute for Space Research

InSb - Indium Antimonite

IOC - Initial Operational Capability, Initial On-orbit Checkout, Installation Operational Certification, or In-Orbit Checkout

IOE - Instrument Operations Element

IONET - IP Operational Network

IP - Internet Protocol or Installation Plan

IPC - Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits or Inter-Process Communication

IPComp - IP Payload Compression Protocol

IPDR - Instrument Preliminary Design Review

IPDU - Internet Protocol Data Unit

IPE - Image Processing Element

IPM - IGS Priority Mask Online Tool or IGS Priority and Request Map

IPO - Integrated Program Office

IPR - Intersegment Problem Report

IPS - Intrusion Prevention System or Image Processing Subsystem

IPSec - Internet Protocol Security

IPSR - Instrument Pre-Ship Review

IPT - Integrated Project Team

IPV - Integrated Pulse Value

IR - Infrared

IRB - Investment Review Board

IRD - Interface Requirements Document

IRFP - Implementation Request for Proposal

IRP - Incident Reporting Plan

IRS - Interface Requirements Specification

IRU - Inertial Reference Unit

IRV - Improved Inter-Range Vector Message

ISA - Internet Security and Acceleration or Interconnection Security Agreement

iSCSI - Internet Small Computer System Interface

ISD - Interface Specification Document

ISI - Integral Systems Incorporated

ISL - Inter-Switch Link

ISO - International Standards Organization

ISSO - Information System Security Official

ISTESR - Ingest Subsystem Test Execution Summary Report or Inventory Subsystem Test Execution Summary Report

IT - Information Technology or Integration Test

ITAR - International Traffic in Arms Regulations

ITC - Integration Test Case

ITS - Information Technology Services

ITSNOC - Information Technologies Service Network Operations Center

ITSOT - Information Technology Security Operations Team

ITSS - Information Technology and Scientific Services

ITU - International Telecommunications Union

IU - Individual User

IUR - Individual User Request

IV&V - Independent Verification and Validation

IVM - Interface Verification Matrix

IWG - Interface Working Group

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Page Last Modified: 01/16/13 01:31 pm