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Understanding Corrections through the APEX Lens
By Cebula, Nancy; Lantz, Theresa; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This guidebook “is the second book in the APEX Guidebook series and is designed to help correctional practitioners deepen their knowledge of the Public Safety Model domains. It offers practical suggestions for improving performance and creating positive change by sharing best-practice methods and current literature on higher performance in corrections” (p. ix). APEX itself provides strategies for achieving performance excellence in the Public Safety Model domains—operations (which includes sa... Read More
96 pages
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Culture and Change Management: Using APEX to Facilitate Organizational Change
By Cebula, Nancy; Craig, Elizabeth; Innes, Christopher; Lantz, Theresa; Rhone, Tanya; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Culture, including beliefs, assumptions, values, norms, and practices in an organization, determines the success of an organization’s performance and change efforts. This book helps illuminate the role culture plays in an organization that is striving for higher performance ... Knowledge of culture enables an organization to proceed along the path to successful change. The APEX Change Management Model provides a process and map for organizational change based in research and best practices; it ... Read More
116 pages
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APEX Resources Directory Vol. 2: Communications, Focus Groups, and Development
By Bilson, Janet Mancini; Cebula, Nancy; Innes, Christopher; Lantz, Theresa; Ritter, Elizabeth; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“APEX Resources Directory Volume 2 provides supportive information to correctional agencies embarking on the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) journey. It introduces the National Institute of Correc¬tions (NIC) Information Center, provides detailed information on creating a communications plan for those implementing the APEX Initiative, describes how to use focus groups to effectively gather information and feed-back, and includes a team development guide for those who want to build teams,... Read More
76 pages
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Achieving Performance Excellence: The Influence of Leadership on Organizational Performance
By Cebula, Nancy; Craig, Elizabeth; Eggers, John; Fajardo, Marge Douville; Gray, James; Lantz, Theresa. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Leadership is a very important component of higher performing organizations. This book presents a breadth and depth of information about leading others and describes what leaders need to excel at and what up-and-coming leaders need to know as they prepare themselves for leadership positions. Taking a balanced approach to leadership allows correctional leaders to influence different people and diverse stakeholder groups in differing situations. Good leaders know when they need to manage rather t... Read More
100 pages
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Applying the APEX Tools for Organizational Assessment
By Bogue, Bradford; Cebula, Nancy. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Previously, not many assessment tools looked at issues that specifically affect those who work in the field of corrections … [This book] presents three organizational assessment tools developed specifically for the field of corrections. The APEX assessment tools are designed to look at an agency’s readiness to take on a change process, understand the importance of safety and security to correctional operations, measure performance on the APEX Public Safety Model’s eight domains, and provide gui... Read More
128 pages
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Veterans Treatment Court Resources
Justice for Vets (Justice4Vets) (Alexandria, VA).
Information regarding Veteran Treatment Courts (VTCs) can be found on this website. 'Veteran Treatment Courts hold veterans accountable to themselves and to the community ' The Veterans Treatment Court model requires regular court appearances (a bi-weekly minimum in the early phases of the program), as well as mandatory attendance at treatment sessions and frequent and random testing for substance use (drug and/or alcohol). Veterans respond favorably to this structured environment given their p... Read More
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Performance Incentive Funding: Aligning Fiscal and Operational Responsibility to Produce More Safety at Less Cost
Vera Institute of Justice. Center on Sentencing and Corrections (New York, NY); Pew Charitable Trusts. Pew Center on the States (Washington, DC); Metropolis Strategies (Chicago, IL).
'With PIF [performance incentive funding], agencies or localities receive a financial reward for delivering fewer prison commitments through reduced recidivism and revocations that, in turn, must be reinvested into evidence-based programs in the community' (p. 2). This report explains how an agency can design and implement a PIF program that reduces costs while ensuring public safety, a viable option for your locality. Sections of this report include: executive summary; introduction; the problem... Read More
24 pages
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Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual [and] Participant Workbook [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]|Revised [edition]
By Reilly, Patrick M.; Shopshire, Michael S.. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD).
'Despite the connection of anger and violence to substance abuse, few treatments have been developed to address anger and violence problems among people who abuse substances. Clinicians have found the dearth of treatment approaches for this important issue disheartening. To provide clinicians with tools to help deal with this important issue, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is pleased to present 'Anger Management for Subst... Read More
2 volumes (volume 1 - 68 pages, volume 2 - 49 pages)
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Psychopathy: An Important Forensic Concept for the 21st Century
By Babiak, Paul; Folino, Jorge; Hancock, Jeffrey; Hare, Robert D.; Logan, Matthew; Mayer, Elizabeth Leon; Meloy, J. Reid; Hakkanen-Nyholm, Helina; O'Toole, Mary Ellen; Pinizzotto, Anthony; Porter, Stephen; Smith, Sharon; Woodworth, Michael.
This article provides a great portrait of who a psychopath is. It covers: psychopathy and personality disorder; traits and characteristics; chameleons and predators; myth busting; presence in society; assessment tool; victims; and concluding remarks. 'Psychopathy has been described as the single most important clinical construct in the criminal justice system. More recently, it is considered 'the most important forensic concept of the early 21st century.' Because of its relevance to law enforcem... Read More
6 pages
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Jails: An ACA Reader
American Correctional Association (Alexandria, VA).
This book is a great introduction to issues related to running a jail. It offers concise advice about improving operational efficiency while reducing costs and recidivism. Twenty-nine chapters are organized into the following sections: training and management issues for jails; 21st century jail issues; a look at a successful jail—Alexandria Detention Center, Alexandria, Virginia; jail technology; jail security; jail health care; jail mental health care; aging in jail; reentry; and jails of the f... Read More
233 pages
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Essential Skills for New Supervisors
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Aurora, CO).
Making the transition from line staff to supervisor calls for developing new skills and competencies as well as a major shift in mindset from doing one’s own work to supervising the work of others. This program focuses on core competencies for supervisors. These competencies include developing personal and professional goals, demonstrating leadership, solving problems, thinking critically, making decisions, managing conflict, coaching, counseling, providing discipline, and encouraging staff p... Read More
2 data DVDs
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APEX: Building the Model and Beginning the Journey
By Cebula, Nancy; Lantz, Theresa; Ward, Tom. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). People in Charge LLC (Boulder, CO); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
“Through extensive research and analysis, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) is offering the field of corrections a comprehensive business model entitled the APEX (Achieving Performance Excellence) Initiative. The APEX Initiative is an agency-driven systems approach to building capacity for higher organizational performance, best practices, data-driven decisionmaking using multiple self-assessment tools, and a Guidebook series with strategies, interventions, and pathways. The APEX Publi... Read More
56 pages
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A Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Effective Public Policy (Philadelphia, PA); Pretrial Justice Institute (PJI) (Washington, DC); Justice Management Institute (JMI) (Denver, CO); The Carey Group (Silver Spring, MD).
This report is essential reading for individuals wanting to achieve "measurable reductions of pretrial misconduct and post-conviction reoffending" (p.6). Eight sections follow an introduction (a new paradigm for the justice system): underlying premises; the key decision points, decision makers, and stakeholders in the criminal justice system; examining justice system decision making through the lens of harm reduction; the principles underlying the framework; applying evidence-based principles to... Read More
68 p.
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Environmental Scan 2010
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Aurora, CO).
"Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issues to inform the development of programs and services offered by NIC. This report, now in its 5th edition, has continued to evolve into a popular tool that is also used by corrections practitioners to inform their work in jails, prisons and community corrections. Since there are many issues beyond what is addressed in this environmental scan that poten... Read More
20 pages
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Inmate Behavior Management: The Key to a Safe and Secure Jail
By Hutchinson, Virginia; Keller, Kristin; Reid, Thomas. National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Washington, DC).
This guide “presents six key elements that, in combination, will help jails reduce a wide array of negative, destructive, and dangerous inmate behavior” (p. v). These elements are: assessing risk and needs; assigning inmates to housing; meeting inmates’ basic needs; defining and conveying expectations for inmate behavior; supervising inmates; and keeping inmates productively occupied.... Read More
16 p.
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How Principles of High Reliability Organizations Relate to Corrections
By Bogue, Brad.
The benefits of HRO (high reliability organizations) procedures for corrections are discussed. “What makes reviewing these HRO principles relevant to corrections is that they appear to apply across increasingly diverse settings and most corrections systems arguably qualify as complex and tightly coupled settings” (p.22). HROs are better at preventing and responding to accidents when compared to other organizational models. This article provides an overview of HROs, their guiding principles, and ... Read More
6 p.
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A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management: Handbook for Prison Staff|Second Edition
By Coyle, Andrew. King's College London. International Centre for Prison Studies (London, England); Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office (London, England).
International standards regarding prison management and prisoners' rights are explained. 'This handbook is intended to assist everyone who has anything to do with prisons ' The topics covered in the handbook demonstrate the complexity of prison management and the wide range of skills which are required from those whose task it is to direct prisons. The issues covered show that there is a common set of factors which, when taken together, constitute a model for good prison management' (p. 7). Twen... Read More
169 pages
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How to Collect and Analyze Data: A Manual for Sheriffs and Jail Administrators
By Elias, Gail. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Voorhis Associates (Lafayette, CO); National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Anyone who needs to gather and analyze data concerning various jail-related issues will find this manual useful. This document provides guidance on how information can fuel policy decision making. Chapters comprising this guide are: introduction; good management requires good information; information that should be collected; preparing for the data collection; how to locate and capture information; how to put it all together; how to analyze information; how to interpret information; sharing info... Read More
220 p.
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Sheriff's Guide to Effective Jail Operations
By Martin, Mark D.; Katsampes, Paul. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
"This guide provides an overview of the sheriff's roles and responsibilities with regard to the jail along with basic information on critical aspects of jail operations and management" (p. v). This publication is comprised of the following seven chapters: role, purpose, and characteristics of the jail; sheriff's roles and responsibilities; providing effective leadership and support for the jail; liability and standards; jail physical plant; critical aspects of jail operations; and so much to le... Read More
54 p.
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Environmental Scan Update - 2005
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
Changes and forces that may affect the programming of the National Institute of Corrections are analyzed and commented on. This update contains the following sections: international developments; social and demographic trends; public opinion and public policy; the economy and government spending; the workforce; technology; crime and justice trends; and corrections populations and trends.... Read More
25 p.
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Executive Training for Newly Appointed Juvenile Facility Directors [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
This 36-hour training program targets skills needed to effectively lead a juvenile corrections or detention facility. Modules contained in this manual are: creating our context for learning; the roles and functions of a juvenile facility director; exploring your leadership style; the impact of today's changing juvenile justice workforce; shaping your facility's vision, mission, values, and culture; addressing your facility's external environment; managing change; developing well being in yourse... Read More

1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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A Summary of Research, Practice, and Guiding Principles for Women Offenders. The Gender-Responsive Strategies Project: Approach and Findings
By Bloom, Barbara; Owen, Barbara; Covington, Stephanie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Reviews information on gender-specific policies, programs, and services in corrections. Topics covered by this bulletin include: the Gender-Responsive Strategies Project -- approach and findings; defining gender responsiveness; national profile of women offenders; the foundation for the principles a new vision -- six guiding principles for a gender-responsive criminal justice system; general strategies for implementing guiding principles; gender-responsive policy elements; and conclusion -- add... Read More
12 p.
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Summary Report: Regional Workshops
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); The Moss Group, Inc. (Washington, DC).
Feedback from four executive level regional workshops regarding the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is reported. Extended responses from groups of executive-level administrators and policy makers representing community corrections, prisons, jails, and juvenile justice follow an executive summary. Comments are organized according to the four roundtable groups mentioned above on following themes: critical issues currently faced in the successful implementation of PREA; barriers and obstacles w... Read More
27 p.
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The Gender-Responsive Strategies Project: Jail Applications
By McCampbell, Susan W.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Current research about women offenders and strategies for evaluating current operating procedures related to women offenders are covered. Sections of this bulletin include: introduction; women in jail -- their numbers and characteristics; the Gender-Responsive Strategies project -- approach and findings; six gender-responsive guiding principles -- implications for jail administrators; jail classification and gender-responsive strategies for implementation in a jail setting; challenges and how t... Read More
27 p.
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Resource Guide for Jail Administrators
By Martin, Mark D.; Rosazza, Thomas A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
A guide "developed to enhance the leadership skills, knowledge, and capabilities of jail administrators on issues of basic jail administration" is presented (p. v). Fourteen chapters comprise this guide: introduction; role, purpose, and characteristics of the jail; administration; facilities; staffing and scheduling; staff recruiting, selection, and retention; staff training; security, safety, and emergency preparedness; inmate behavior management; inmate discipline and grievance; special manag... Read More
305 p.
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2003 Environmental Scan Update
National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
Changes and forces that may affect the programming of the National Institute of Corrections are analyzed and commented on. This environmental scan is comprised of the following sections: international developments; social and demographic trends; the economy; governmental spending; public attitudes and public policy; the workforce; technology; crime and justice tends; and corrections population and trends.... Read More
15 p.
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Results of Data Analysis: NIC Needs Assessment on Correctional Management and Executive Leadership Development
By Clem, Connie. National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
Demographics, turnover, and leadership development for four levels of correctional management (e.g., executive leaders, senior leaders, managers, and supervisors) are analyzed. Sections comprising this report are: project background; key findings; the survey sample; overview -- analysis of data for all responses; analysis of data on executive level positions; analysis of data on senior leader positions; analysis of data on management level positions; analysis of data on supervisory positions; a... Read More
47 p.
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Issues in Jail Operations, 2003: Perspectives from State Jail Inspection Agencies
By Clem, Connie; Sheanin, Dave. National Institution of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO). LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO); National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO).
"[A]reas in which jails tend to be deficient, suggesting the need for new or revised forms of NIC assistance" are identified (p.2). Issues examined include: age of facilities; accreditation; compliance with policy and procedure standards; adequacy of policy and procedure manuals; adequacy of staffing; staff turnover; compliance with staffing standards; compliance with staff training standards; exceeding capacity; coordinating councils; pretrial services programs; availability of specific pretria... Read More
27 p.
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Environmental Scan: Reviewing Issues and Forces That Will Influence Strategic Planning of the National Institute of Corrections
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
An analysis of changes and forces that may affect NIC programming in the near future is presented. Seven sections comprise this scan: societal and demographic trends; economic and business developments; workforce issues; public opinion; crime and justice trends; technological developments; and health and mental health.... Read More
35 p.
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Jail Resource Issues: What Every Funding Authority Needs to Know
By Bowker, Gary M.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Basic information about jail operations is provided to contribute to a better understanding of the funding authority's roles and responsibilities regarding the jail. This report contains the following chapters: the jail as a primary function of local government; the purpose of the jail and its role in the local criminal justice system; the jail population; jail litigation and standards; key elements of effective jail operations; and funding authority roles and responsibilities. ... Read More
34 p.
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Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 1: Developing the Budget
By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Designed for jail administrators, this guide discusses the elements of an effective process for budgeting both capital and operational jail expenses. This document contains the following sections:
  • An effective budget process;
  • Cooperative effort within the budget process;
  • Budget preparation -- information and materials;
  • Jail budget development -- needs assessment, estimating budget expenditures, preparing the budget document, submitting the budget package, presenting the... Read More
41 p.
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Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 2: Managing the Budget
By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Designed for jail administrators, this guide provides an overview of jail budget management, along with relevant responsibilities and strategies. Key aspects of jail budget management examined include:
  • Budget implementation -- developing and using a plan to monitor expenditures;
  • Budget management -- monitoring, managing, and controlling expenditures while garnering support;
  • Jail revenue monitoring and management -- developing revenue plans;
  • Performance monitoring -- es... Read More
29 p.
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Budget Guide for Jail Administrators - Part 3: Beyond Budget Allocation - Sources of Funding and Services
By Martin, Mark D.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Longmont, CO).
Designed for jail administrators, this guide describes strategies for identifying, securing, and coordinating jai resources from multiple sources, both internally and externally. Three sections comprise this document: (1) Jail resource types and potential sources -- generating revenue, using the services of other agencies, soliciting donations from the community, and how the jail and community are linked by a common goal; (2) Strategies for securing, coordinating, and managing jail resou... Read More
22 p.
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Correctional Health Care: Guidelines for the Management of an Adequate Delivery System
By Anno, B. Jaye. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Commission on Correctional Health Care (Chicago, IL); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
A comprehensive reference that provides guidance in the provision of health services to inmates is presented. This manual contains the following chapters: introduction; historical overview -- the movement to improve correctional health care; legal considerations in the delivery of health care services in prisons and jails; ethical considerations and the interface with custody; the organizational structure of correctional health services; staffing considerations; health care delivery system model... Read More
570 pages
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Options for Managing Difficult Inmates [Videoconference held on June 13, 2001]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Difficult inmates, such as those who have gang affiliations, chronic behavioral problems or who are mentally or socially challenged, require more complex management interventions. This program presents a menu of options for managing difficult inmates, discusses barriers, and identifies resources. Segments of this presentation include:
  • Description of the "difficult" inmate
  • Criteria for placement and release to special housing
  • Program options that are working nationally
  • Ob... Read More

1 DVD (180 min.)
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Correctional Strategies in Gang Management [Videoconference Held July 19, 2000]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This videoconference presents information regarding effective ways to combat gangs, security threat groups (STG), and disruptive groups. Administrators from the following agencies discuss what is working for them in the management of gangs -- Massachusetts Department of Correction, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Connecticut Department of Correction, California Department of Corrections, and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons. Detailed attention is paid to:

1 DVD (164 min.)
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Staff Supervision Training for Corrections Professionals [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held September 13-16, 1999]
By Young, Cheryl Brown, ed.. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Becoming a first line supervisor involves many changes and challenges. This 28-hour course, originally delivered as a distance learning event, introduces ideas, insights, and perspectives that will immediately impact supervision effectiveness. Modules include: building blocks of supervision (what is a supervisor and supervisory competencies); personal competencies (vision and values and principled behavior); organizational context (mission and culture and working with stakeholders); supervisory ... Read More

3 video DVDs (532 min.) + 1 CD
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Supermax Prisons: Overview and General Considerations
By Riveland, Chase. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
The author discusses the history and definition of extended control facilities and addresses their operational and staffing issues as well as those of siting, construction and design. He concludes that the purpose of such facilities should not be to exact additional punishment or to function as a repository for bothersome, self-destructive, mentally ill inmates or those who need protection or have an infectious disease, but should be operated with the assumption that the inmate must be denied ac... Read More
35 p.
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Objective Jail Classification Systems: A Guide for Jail Administrators
By Austin, James. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Objective jail classification (OJC) is a process of assessing every jail inmate's custody and program needs and is considered one of the most important management tools available to jail administrators and criminal justice system planners. An effective system of inmate classification will reduce escapes and escape attempts, suicides and suicide attempts, and inmate assaults. OJC systems use locally developed and validated instruments, one at intake and another after a period of confinement, that... Read More
72 p.
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Gangs, Community and Corrections [Videoconference held June 10, 1998]
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
This is a 2-hour forum on gang-related criminal activity in the community and within the correctional environment. Program objectives are to help viewers: identify gangs and deviant groups; create strategies for interagency collaboration; implement strategies for identification and management of gangs; and understand the impact of gangs on the community. The first half of the program focuses on problems related to gangs in the community. Points addressed include identifying gangs and deviant... Read More

1 DVD (125 min)
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Environmental Scan: Factors Potentially Affecting the Management and Operation of Corrections Agencies
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Information Center (Longmont, CO); LIS, Inc. (Longmont, CO).
Findings from this scan are grouped into three main sections and range from case processing statistics to discussions of legislative activity to snapshots of correctional issues as they affect state and local agencies. Section 1. Corrections in society, includes such topics as crime rates and victims, media coverage, legislation, and criminal filings. Section 2. Corrections Agency Management and Operations, and Section 3. Special Issues in Corrections, cover topics as follows: legal issues, heal... Read More
38 p.
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Managing Probation with Scarce Resources: Obstacles and Opportunities
By Cochran, Donald; Corbett, Ronald; Nidorf, Barry; Buck, Gerald S.; Stiles, Don R.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Five papers examine cutback management in probation agencies. Specific topics include: the role classification schemes play in making decisions on priorities for supervision; building an external constituency for probation; impact of downsizing on personnel in terms of morale and career stagnation; methods for generating alternative or additional revenue streams; and, action steps that the probation executive facing scarce resources should undertake. ... Read More
53 p.
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An Administrative Overview of the Older Inmate
By Morton, Joann B.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
To help correctional administrators meet the needs of an increasing number of older inmates, this document explores primary policy and programmatic issues relevant to this population. It provides a brief overview of existing literature, describes current special unit programs designed for older inmates, and provides an extensive list of resources available for those focusing their efforts on these inmates.... Read More
40 p.
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The Practical Planning Guide for Community Corrections Managers
By Mactavish, Marie. National Institute of Corrections. Community Corrections Division (Washington, DC).
The different stages of the Planning Model are described. They include: Identifying community interests and offender requirements; Surveying services that are internal and external to the organization; Updating the mission (purpose of the business); Analyzing the gaps: the difference between what is and what ought to be; Creating outcome criteria for evaluation; Planning for and taking action: implementation stage; and Evaluating the action. ... Read More
41 p.
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An Evaluation of Health Care Costs in Jails
National Institute of Corrections. Jails Division (Boulder, CO). Maricopa County Health Dept. Correctional Health Services (Phoenix, AZ).
Due to factors such as increased litigation, court intervention, the rise in the national cost of health care, and jail population growth, health care expenditures absorb an increasing part of jail operational costs each year. In this study, a combination of site visits, interviews, and data collection was used to examine nursing, pharmacy, and health services administration within seven accredited jail medical programs (four publicly operated, three privately contracted). Following the conclusi... Read More
146 p.
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Advisory Board Hearings
National Institute of Corrections. Prisons Division (Washington, DC).
Intended to guide the NIC Advisory Board and Prisons Division for future program planning, this report provides a summary of the views of prison administrators and practitioners on the needs of prisons today and offers recommendations regarding how NIC might assist them.... Read More
33 p.
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Jail Overcrowding Management Handbook
National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). California Board of Corrections (Sacramento, CA); Evaluation, Management, and Training (EMT) Associates (Sacramento, CA).
Providing practical assistance to jail administrators, this handbook addresses the legal problems, inmate management problems, and systemwide problems that contribute to jail overcrowding. Problems and issues are discussed. Specific action strategies are suggested.... Read More
61 p.
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What if Something Happens? A Guide to Risk Management and Insurance Options for Community Service Programs
By Van Keulen, Crestienne. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Community Service Sentencing Association (San Rafael, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Specific examples of risk management techniques used in administering community service programs are provided in this report.... Read More
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Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on New Generation Jails
By Wener, Richard; Farbstein, Jay. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Jail Center (Boulder, CO); Symposium on New Generation Jails : 2nd : 1987 (Clearwater, FL).
Alternate title: NIC 2nd annual symposium on new generation jails. A major theme occurring in several of the papers is the role of management in direct supervision.... Read More
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Management Strategies for Probation in an Era of Limits
By Harlow, Nora; Nelson, E. Kim. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). University of Southern California. School of Public Administration (Los Angeles, CA); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Reflecting change in resources, mission, problems, and strategies since the original monograph was written in 1982, this edition addresses: the importance of context; managing the transition to fiscal limits; upgrading information and involving staff; allocating scarce resources; expanding resources; building constituencies and networks; knowledge transfer; and action research.... Read More
156 p.
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Marketing Strategies for Inmate Programs: A Succinct Review
By Metts, James R.. National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO). National Institute of Corrections National Academy of Corrections (Boulder, CO).
... Read More
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Managing Long-Term Inmates: A Guide for the Correctional Administrator
By Unger, Cindie A.; Buchanan, Robert A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); Correctional Services Group (Kansas City, MO).
... Read More
149 p.
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Planning and Evaluating Prison and Jail Staffing
By Benton, F. Warren. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Volume one identifies six methods for determining proper staff levels in an institution: task analysis, motion and time study, productivity auditing, outcome analysis, process analysis, and comparative analysis. Then different methods of organizing staff are described, both in terms of hierarchical structure (traditional, project, matrix, and unit management) and in terms of shift patterns. Functional staffing needs are reviewed, and forms and instructions given for using the Multiple Methods A... Read More
2 v. (v.1 - 94 p., v.2 - 127 p.)

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