U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blogs filed under Education
  • SOTU Analysis: Educating our children

    In this series of blog posts, Senator Coons’ legislative staff shares their analysis of the President’s State of the Union address with Delawareans.

    State of the Union

    In his State of the Union address, President Obama proposed making high-quality preschool education available to every child in America.  Research shows that high-quality early education can have a meaningful impact on a young person's life.  

    Senator Coons is a strong believer in the importance of early childhood education.  He is a co-sponsor the Supporting State Systems of Early Learning Act, legislation authored by Senator Bob Casey to promote state investment in early learning and help states build and strengthen systems of high-quality early learning and development programs.  

    Delaware is a national leader in early childhood education and in December 2011 was named a winner in the Race to the Top — Early Learning Challenge.

    In addition to investing in early learning, President Obama focused his State of the Union remarks on meeting the critical challenge of making higher education more affordable and accessible for more students – something Chris has been working on since before he was elected to the Senate.

    President Obama called on Congress to "change the Higher Education Act, so that affordability and value are included in determining which colleges receive certain types of federal aid” and announced the launch of a new White House college scorecard to help students and parents see where they can get the most “educational bang for their buck.”

    Chris worked with Republicans and Democrats to introduce the American Dream Accounts Act, legislation that would help increase the number of low-income students able to access and complete a college education.  

  • What We’re Reading: High school graduation rate is highest in 40 years

    Flag for What We're Reading

    The Washington Post published an article on Tuesday reporting that the percentage of students at public high schools who graduate on time has reached its highest level in nearly 40 years. According to research conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, 78 percent of students across the nation in the Class of 2010 are estimated to have earned a diploma within four years of starting high school. The last time the graduation rate was at that level was in 1974.

    High school graduation rates are one measure of school success, and educators and policymakers have been trying for decades to stem the number of U.S. students who drop out of high school.


    High school graduation rates have a significant effect on the economy, according to a study last year by America’s Promise Alliance, a foundation created by Colin L. Powell. On average, high school graduates earn $130,000 more over their lifetimes than peers who drop out of school, the study said.

    Senator Coons has made education reform a priority. In March, he introduced the American Dream Accounts Act to help increase the number of low-income students able to access and complete a college education after graduating from high school.

    Click here to learn more about Chris’ work towards increasing college access.

    Click here to read the full article on the Washington Post’s website.

    American Dream Accounts
    Education Reform
    What We're Reading
  • Senator Coons honors Delaware Teacher of the Year

    Last week, Senator Coons congratulated John Sell for earning the title of Delaware Teacher of the Year. Mr. Sell teaches English at Sussex Tech High School in Georgetown, where he is known for his innovative teaching techniques, such as singing poetry to his students.

    As the son and grandson of classroom teachers, Chris is committed to strengthening education in Delaware and supporting our extraordinary teachers like Mr. Sell.  He joined the Delaware Teacher of the Year Awards Dinner to share his personal appreciation with all of this year’s finalists, selected from 9,000 Delaware public school teachers to represent each of the state’s 19 school districts.

    At the awards dinner, Chris said “Tonight, we honor and appreciate all of our teachers, and we also recognize 19 in particular who have gone above and beyond. As nominees for Delaware’s Teacher of the Year, you have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to your students, as well as the ability to inspire the kind of love learning that lasts a lifetime.”

    To read more about Chris’ work on education, click here.

  • Congressional delegation, UD announce federal grant for Cybersecurity Education Initiative

    NEWARK – U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, and U.S. Rep. John Carney joined the University of Delaware to announce a federal grant from the National Science Foundation in the amount of $416,102 to help create a Regional Cybersecurity Education Initiative.  The goal of the initiative, formed by the University of Delaware, Delaware Technical Community College and Harford Community College along with government and industrial partners, is to establish a pipeline of graduates skilled in the theories and practices required to address pressing cybersecurity threats facing our state, region and nation. The Congressional delegation toured a computer lab at the University of Delaware to learn about tools and techniques designed to ready students for this emerging field.

    “A cyber attack is perhaps the greatest looming threat to the United States, and the Cybersecurity Education Initiative’s efforts will play an important role not just for Delaware but in investing in the next generation of technology and cyber experts that will improve our nation’s cybersecurity,” Senator Coons said. “This initiative is a significant collaborative step in understanding and confronting the challenges in the ever-changing realm of cyberspace.  I believe in the Cybersecurity Education Initiative, and I am committed to its success because our nation can’t afford to risk the safety and security of our critical infrastructure.” Senator Coons is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    The Cybersecurity Education Initiative will:

    • Expand Cybersecurity courses at the University of Delaware
    • Create a minor at the University of Delaware producing students able to design state of the art secure software systems
    • Create a 2+2 Program to allow second year Delaware Technical Community College and Harford Community College students to transfer into four year University of Delaware Computer and Information Sciences, and Computer Engineering BS degree programs
    • Establish cybersecurity internship program
    • Create middle and high school student and teacher summer camps focused on cybersecurity

    Kenneth Barner, principal investigator on the grant and chair of UD’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, said the project will be particularly important for Delaware and northern Maryland, “where there is a significant need for trained cybersecurity graduates critical to large regional employers in, for example, the financial services industry and the military.”

  • Senate passes Senator Coons’ resolution honoring Dr. Sally Ride

    Senator Coons sponsored a resolution honoring the life and career of the first woman from the United States to fly in space, Dr. Sally Ride, who passed away in late July. Chris’ resolution was approved unanimously by the Senate on Thursday night.

    “Sally Ride was inspirational, not only to young women, but to every American who has looked up with wonder and curiosity only the stars can inspire,” Chris said after the resolution passed. “Dr. Ride’s life’s work, like that of the shuttle program, was to inspire Americans to never stop searching for knowledge of our world, our universe, and ourselves. It’s a mission we all must carry out, and one that I am committed to helping fulfill. I’m glad my Senate colleagues came together last night to honor Dr. Ride with this resolution, and hope her memory will continue to persuade young Americans to search for answers in the sciences.”

    The bipartisan resolution “expresses [the Senate’s] deepest condolences to the family and friends of Dr. Sally Ride on her death; mourns the loss of Dr. Ride, a trailblazing pioneer who inspired millions of individuals, especially women and girls, to reach for the stars; and appreciates all of the contributions of Dr. Ride to science, physics, education, and human spaceflight.” 

    Born, raised, and educated in California, Dr. Ride became a role model and hero when she launched her first mission in 1983, becoming the first American woman to enter low Earth orbit. After flying two shuttle missions and serving as a member of the Presidential Commission investigating the Challenger accident, she became a professor, and eventually started “Sally Ride Science” in 2001, a company dedicated to promoting new and exciting ways to engage elementary and middle school students with science at an early age.

  • Senator Coons urges students to use new financial aid tools

    The U.S. Department of Education announced on Friday a new streamlined website and social media tools that will make it easier for students and families to navigate the financial aid process and make informed decisions about paying for college. Senator Coons encouraged Delaware students and families to take advantage of these new tools, which are designed to be fully accessible on tablets and smartphones.

    Included on the new website is an interactive tool to help borrowers who have fallen behind on their federal or private student loan payments. The tool provides tips to borrowers with private student loans on how to negotiate with debt collectors.

    Students now have more online options to learn about financial aid, including on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

    Chris has been a longtime advocate for college accessibility. Earlier this year, he introduced the American Dream Accounts Act to help increase the number of low-income students able to access and complete a college education. The bill would authorize the Department of Education to award three-year competitive grants to support innovative and comprehensive partnerships that support low-income students in preparation for a college education.

    Click here to learn more about Chris’ work on improving America’s education system. 

    American Dream Accounts
    College Accessibility
    Student Loans
  • Senator Coons passes resolution to honor International Chemistry Olympiad

    On Tuesday, Senator Coons passed a resolution through the U.S. Senate honoring the student participants in the 44th International Chemistry Olympiad. In the resolution, the Senate welcomed the International Chemistry Olympiad to the United States, acknowledged the importance of encouraging students in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and honored the University of Maryland, College Park, as well as the American Chemical Society for making this event possible.

    Senators John Boozman (R-Ark.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) co-sponsored the resolution, which passed the Senate unanimously.

    About 300 students from over 70 countries will gather in Washington, D.C. next month to participate in the International Chemistry Olympiad. The competition brings students together and tests their abilities in the theory and practice of chemistry, with specific opportunities in analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry and spectroscopy. By interacting with their peers from countries around the world, participants will have the chance to foster important relationships and be a part of a scientific community.

    Chris is committed to encouraging students to pursue STEM fields through innovative events like this one. He previously co-hosted the first-ever Kent County Science Fair in Dover and checked out student projects at the 20th annual Sussex County Science Fair. Chris was himself an undergraduate chemistry major, and is passionate about science and math education. He believes events like the International Chemistry Olympiad can fuel students’ critical thinking skills and open doors to their future.

  • Celebrating National Teacher Day

    All of us can remember teachers who made a difference in our lives. Great teachers can encourage students to reach for their dreams and succeed in school. As we recognize National Teacher Day on May 8, we pause to thank the dedicated teachers in Delaware and across the nation who work tirelessly to educate their students.

    Delaware is full of teachers who are working to ensure that the next generation of Delawareans have the resources they need to succeed. Senator Coons has made it a priority to visit a number of schools in Delaware. In particular, Chris had the pleasure of visiting Delaware Teacher of the Year Amber Augustus’ middle school class at John Bassett Moore (JBM) Intermediate School in Smyrna. Amber is a fifth grade math, science, and social studies teacher who is in her seventh year at JBM. During the visit, Chris toured the school and met with students, teacher, and administrators to discuss best practices.  

    Chris has been an outspoken advocate for education reform. In March, he introduced legislation to help increase the number of low-income students able to access and complete a college education. The American Dream Accounts Act of 2012 encourages partnerships among schools, colleges, non-profits and businesses to develop secure, Web-based student accounts that contain information about academic preparedness, financial literacy and high-impact mentoring and would be tied to a college savings account.

    Click here to learn more about National Teacher Day

    Click here to learn more about Chris’ work to improve education in Delaware.

    American Dream Accounts
  • Senator Coons Celebrates National Robotics Week with FAME

    Senator Coons marked the third annual National Robotics Week and Delaware’s inaugural National Robotics Day at Barclays on the Wilmington Riverfront.  Chris joined members of the Forum to Advance Minorities in Engineering (FAME) as they recognized robotics technology as a pillar of 21st century American innovation.  FAME, Inc. Executive Director Donald Baker talked with Chris about the growing importance of robotics and the role it plays in encouraging students to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). In Delaware, FAME is a year-round program that works with students in grades 6 through 12. 

    “I was impressed to learn that FAME is working to increase the number of women and minority students who decide to go into robotics and the sciences,” said Chris.  “Events like Robotics Day are fun to attend, and they also help ensure STEM education is getting the attention it deserves in today’s curriculum.”

    The event provided a great opportunity for networking and interaction between students, industry leaders and other experts. As a former student of the sciences himself, Chris was thrilled to participate in National Robotics Day. He encouraged the students in the audience to continue pursuing science and pointed out to the female students that they don’t need to look far for inspiration – the heads of two of Delaware’s largest science-based companies, DuPont and W.L. Gore, are both women.

  • Senator Coons speaks with students at Howard High School of Technology about STEM education

    In celebration of Teach For America Week, Senator Chris Coons served as a guest teacher on Thursday at Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington. Leading the Advanced Biology class normally taught by TFA science teacher Ashley Sorenson, Senator Coons spoke with juniors and seniors about the value of education and encouraged the students to pursue a career in the sciences.

    “The 21st century economy is taking root in science and technology, and if we want to make our economy stronger and our nation more competitive, we have to give students the skills they need to succeed in STEM fields,” Senator Coons said about the experience. “It’s imperative that our children have positive role models to reinforce the importance of education and encourage them to pursue higher education, and that is what young Teach For America educators do.”

    Since its launch in 1997, Teach For America Week has brought hundreds of distinguished guest teachers from across America into our nation’s schools to inspire students and raise awareness about the challenges facing students in low-income communities and demonstrate that when students are given the educational opportunities they deserve, they reach their highest potential.

    Howard High School