U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Senator Coons is inspired at Sussex County Science Fair

Science Fair

Senator Coons went back to his roots as a chemistry major at the 20th annual Sussex County Science Fair on Monday. Chris was blown away by the work of the middle and high school participants whose projects covered a wide spectrum of scientific studies. He also took the opportunity to meet with and thank science teachers who encouraged students to participate.

“Teachers who go the extra mile, teachers who inspire kids to use what they’re learning in the classroom and apply it to everyday life--those are the educators who motivate students to follow their dreams and to go on to do great things,” said Chris.

The fair provided students with the opportunity to be recognized by the community for their curiosity and achievements in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) academics. Since arriving in the Senate, Chris has worked hard to promote STEM education.

“An education rooted in STEM gives students a leg up when it comes to finding good quality jobs,” he said.

Chris also spoke with Priyen Patel and his sister, Bansri, students at Sussex Technical High School in Georgetown who he previously met last year in Washington when they were on Capitol Hill for the international BioGENEius competition.

At the fair, Chris recognized all the hard work students, educators, judges, sponsors and volunteers like Helen Gieske put in to make this important event a reality for the 20th straight year. He also congratulated all of the winners:

Sussex County BioGENEius Winners             

Priyen Patel, Sussex Tech            

Bansri Patel, Sussex Tech             

Gopika Lakshmanan, Indian River            

Melissa Schoonfield, Sussex Central                                       

William McCabe, Indian River                    

Sussex County Science Fair Winners            

Grade 7                               

First Place: Cohen Davis, Sussex Academy

Second Place: Golden Fees, Sussex Academy

Third Place: Brooke Ward, Sussex Academy

Honorable Mention: Colleen Anderson, Sussex Academy

Honorable Mention: Gabrielle Hastings, Sussex Academy

Honorable Mention: Griffin McCormick, Sussex Academy

Grade 8                               

First Place: Ricky Brokaw, Sussex Academy

Second Place: Ashe Hebrank-Ekas, Beacon Middle

Third Place: Grace Brokaw, Sussex Academy

Honorable Mention: Tobias Ferl, Sussex Academy

Honorable Mention: Nicholas Conrad, Beacon Middle

Grade 9                               

First Place: Melissa Schoonfield, Sussex Central

Second Place: Alison Jennings, Indian River

Third Place: John Douglass Messick, Sussex Central

Honorable Mention: Tiffany Raeuber, Sussex Central

Honorable Mention: Jack Saxton, Indian River

Grade 10                             

First Place: Bansri Patel, Sussex Tech

Second Place: Sid Miller, Cape Henlopen

Third Place: Merrick Kovatch, Indian River

Honorable Mention: Jennifer Peasnall, Sussex Central

Honorable Mention: Mason Chambers, Sussex Central

Honorable Mention: Chelsea Shanahan, Indian River

Grade 11                             

First Place: Caroline Maahs, Sussex Central

Second Place: Priyen Patel, Sussex Tech

Third Place: Trevor Aldred, Cape Henlopen

Honorable Mention: Kristin Kneller, Indian River

Grade 12                             

First Place: Sara Westhafer, Indian River

Second Place: Amber Pearce, Sussex Central

Sussex County