Mission Statement
Special Security Office/Special Intelligence Communications (SPINTCOMM) Branch (IOS) executes HQMC responsibilities concerning management of the Marine Corps Special Security Office (SSO), the Defense Special Security Communications System/Special Intelligence Communications (DSSCS/SPINTCOMM) terminal facility; install, administer and troubleshoot HQMC Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Local Area Network (LAN); and provide SCI courier service for HQMC.

  • Provide HQMC SSO/SPINTCOMM services, and coordinates required support with the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI).
  • Provide input to formulate national, DON and Service level SSO policy.
  • Provide liaison between SSO DIA, SSO Navy and all USMC commands.
  • Archive and maintains Special Intelligence material required by the HQMC staff agencies.
  • Provide pickup/delivery of SCI material through the Defense Courier Service (DEFCOS) of DIRINT personnel.
  • Control and administers the Special Intelligence Courier Card Program with HQMC.
  • Maintain SCI personnel security cognizance for all military and civilian personnel stationed in direct support to HQMC.
  • Review, validate and recommend for approval all HQMC and subordinate SSO billets requiring SCI access.
  • Obtain and maintain appropriate accreditation of SCI spaces at HQMC.
  • Review and recommend appropriate action on the physical security of HQMC special intelligence material.
  • Manage and maintain accountability for the destruction of SCI material at HQMC.
  • Conduct liaison with SSO Navy.
Special Security Office/SPINTCOMM
COMM:  703-693-6007
DSN:  223