Career Mentorship

Intelligence Department is committed to developing the most qualified, well-rounded, and professional intelligence Marines. For our enlisted Marines, that means guidng you and providing you with the traininig and career opportunities  you need to become the best Marine you can be, and to groom you to be a master of your intelligence discipline. For Officers, your development into a premier MAGTF Intelligence Officer capable of utilizing all intel disciplines and advising our commanders at every echelon of command is our primary goal. We will accomplish this by creating opportunities for you to grow, opportunities to lead and opportunities to succeed.  Please, utilize your appropriate Occfield Specialist to help you and our Corps succeed today.

MOS Roadmaps were put in place in order to provide Marines with a guide to assist you in  your progression within your occupational field.  While the Occfield Specialists are here to assist you, these MOS Roadmaps are an excellent resource and should be used often.

One of the key roles of the Occfield Specialist and Sponsors is to advise you, the marine, on the steps you need to take for the most efficient, rewarding, and promotable career. To the right, please find the contact information for your Occupational Field Specialist and Sponsor.


Intelligence Manpower & Training Branch
Branch Head, Ops & Personnel Branch
02/26 OccField Sponsor
COMM:  703.614.4022 
DSN:  224

  • Deputy, Branch Head
    COMM:  703.614.4005 
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Asst OccField Sponsor
    Company Grade Officers/
    Warrant Officers 0205, 0210
    COMM:  703.614.3489
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Foreign Language Officer
    COMM:  703.614.3938
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • SIGINT OccField Manager/
    Warrant Officers 2602
    COMM:  703-614-3763
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Intelligence Chiefs/
    0291 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  571.256.1994
    DSN:  260
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0211 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0231 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 0241, 0261 OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 26xx OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.3981
    DSN: 224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • 267x OccField Specialist
    COMM:  703.614.6561
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Training Chief
    COMM:  703.614.2082
    DSNL  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Reserves
    HQMC IMA Detachment Sponsor
    COMM:  703.614.7631
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
  • Intelligence Operations Personnel
    COMM:  703.614.3657
    DSN:  224
    (HQMC Code:  IO/IOP)
    COMM:  703.614.3966
    DSN:  224