Intelligence Futures/Assessments Division (IFA)

Futures/Assessments conducts outreach, analysis and assessments, and generates and develops initiatives to support the DIRINT's vision for the MCISR-E.


  • Outreach. Maintains relationship with key internal and external entities to enable information exchange, promotion of concepts and programs, and improved situational awareness.
  • Analysis and Assessment. Conducts analysis and assessments to develop options for MCISR-E migration or exploitation of events, trends and initiatives that potentially affect Marine Corps intelligence.
  • Initiatives Development.  Develops initiatives to support the DIRINT's vision for the MCISR-E.
  • Discovers resident expertise, tradecraft, operational practice, and TTPs and where appropriate, advocates for their transition to formal training and readiness standards, institutional TTPs, or doctrine.

Intelligence Futures/Assessments Division
COMM:  703.693.1761  
DSN: 223
(HQMC Code: I/IFA)