Career Development

We must develop the intelligence expertise to meet the evolving challenges of the 21st century by providing quality personnel and training. Success is dependent on the training, education, and experience of its Marines. The large-scale introduction of new technology is vastly increasing the complexity of intelligence processes. In addition to highly technical skill requirements, the asymmetric nature of the threat also demands increased "low-tech" skills including language capability and cultural and regional knowledge.

It is imperative that all members of Marine Corps Intelligence maintain and expand their professional skills to maximize individual and collection potential.  Focusing on career development helps employees continually improve general, functional, and leadership abilities in order to develop skills that are relevant to their organization's needs.  It is the responsibility of each individual employee to take proactive steps in planning his or her career.

  • Executive Leadership Program (ELO) is a 10-month program designed to help participants develop the leadership skills and competencies needed to assume positions as team leaders, supervisors, or managers.
  • Executive Potential Program (EPP) is a 1-year competency-based leadership program designed to develop senior-level public service employees into more effective leaders. The program is based on the Office of Personnel Management’s Executive Core Qualifications and USDA’s Leadership Effectiveness Inventory. 
  • Ka-Bar Leadership Development will create a context of learning to better understand personal identity, moral purpose, and individual learning dynamics to support the leader’s responsibility to the organization and achieve mission.
  • IC Joint Duty is a civilian personnel rotation system akin to joint duty in the military. Its purpose is to encourage and facilitate assignments and details of personnel to national intelligence centers and between elements of the intelligence community.
  • Aspiring Leader Program (GG 5-6 equivalent) This class is a 3-month program structured around three five-day seminars. Participants are assigned to a leadership development team during the first seminar. Through strengthening basic competencies and managerial skills, this program prepares federal employees for positions as team leaders, supervisors, and managers.
  • Defense Senior Leader Development Program (GG 13-15) DSLDP is DoD’s program to develop senior civilian leaders in the 21st century. It is the senior-level component of the Department’s overall leader development strategy. DSLDP uses a competency-based approach for the deliberate development of senior civilian leaders from an enterprise perspective to lead organizations and achieve results in the joint, interagency, and multi-national environment.  Program elements are joint Professional Military Education, individual development, and Defense-focused leadership seminars.
  • Leadership for a Democratic Society (FEI) (GG 15-SUES)  A 4-week program designed to understand the diverse goals of government using the US Constitution as a guide. Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF)  A 10-month program to train senior leaders in the art and science of developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power with special emphasis on material acquisition and joint logistics.
  • LEGIS Congressional Fellowship Program, (GG 13-15)  LEGIS Fellows experience firsthand the processes and politics of Congress during 7 – or 12 – month assignments on Capitol Hill. Fellows learn how to effectively manage and lead the legislative objectives of the DoD by becoming key members of congressional office or committee staff. Throughout the fellowship period, fellows maintain a “federal employee in training” status and continue to receive their regular DoD salaries.
  • New Leader Program  (GG 7-11, equivalent)  A 6-month leadership development program designed to develop future public service leaders by providing assessment, experiential learning, and individual development opportunities. The program develops future public service leaders by providing a solid training and development foundation of leadership skills and team building, which are enhanced by agency development experiences.)
  • Seminar XXI, (GG 14-15)  A 1-semester educational program for senior military officers, government and NGO officials, and executives in the national security policy community. The program’s objective is to provide future leaders of that community with enhanced analytic skills for understanding foreign countries and the relations among them. 
  • Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP)  is demand-driven and complements the hiring requirements of the Directorate of Intelligence (DI). Eligible candidates are student interns who have served at least one internship in a DI office or center, have expressed interest in converting to full-time staff, and have management’s concurrence for the conversion.
  • Senior Managers Course in National Security is a 4-week course offered through the Department of Defense’s National Security Studies Program, which examines the full range of national and international security problems that Defense officials will have to contend with in the 21st century. This course provides participants a systematic examination of the forces that influence U.S. defense decision-making, including the interagency process, the wider policy community, and threats in the international area. The course will develop and enhance defense management skills, foundational knowledge, and understanding of key issues. It will include site visits, briefings from policy-makers, and a field trip. The course will culminate in a simulation exercise where participants practice their newly acquired skills and knowledge.