DDESS/Fort Knox/Scott Middle School

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Scott Middle School
Where Bulldogs "Paws" to Think

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Information for families transferring in our out of our location


Moving and Withdrawal from School

As soon as parents/guardians know that a child will be leaving Fort Campbell Schools, they should inform the school and bring in a copy of their orders, etc. This notification should occur at least five days before departure in order to prepare records for a smooth transition. Exit grades (not final grades) will be issued, if the student leaves more than 20 days prior to the end of the semester. In some cases the student may be required to complete the receiving school's course requirements to earn a final grade.

Official student records will be mailed to the new school upon receipt of an official request, but the parent/guardian can also request a Xeroxed copy for hand carrying.

Prior to departure, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Parent/guardian sign withdrawal papers a week in advance of student’s last day.
  2. Student must return all government property, e.g. books and school equipment.
  3. Student is required to obtain all proper personnel signatures on withdrawal form.
  4. Student must pay for lost or damaged government property and settle any debts.


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