DDESS/Fort Knox/Scott Middle School

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Scott Middle School
Where Bulldogs "Paws" to Think

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Gifted and Talented


Our mission is to ensure that all gifted learners achieve their full potential through continuous progress and a variety of learning experiences with the support of students, teachers, parents, administrators, and the community.


Exceptional students are identified as possessing demonstrated or potential ability to perform at an exceptionally high level in general aptitude, specific academic aptitude, creative or divergent thinking, psychological or leadership skills, or in the visual or performing arts.


The learner will demonstrate responsibility for achieving his/her full potential, exhibit his/her ability in a way that benefits the school and community, pursue something about which he/she is passionate and differentiate between negotiable and non-negotiable. The program will provide all stakeholders, students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community, the opportunity to display their commitment through dialogue and involvement and encourage differentiation of curriculum when developmentally appropriate for the learner in all settings.


The Gifted and Talented identification and placement is a systemic process. The process attempts to identify gifted behavior, which exists because of the interaction of three types of characteristics: Above average ability, creativity, and task commitment.

Other placement criteria that may be used to identify a student for the program are:

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