Monday, February 18, 2013
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Training Synchronisation - NTEC


The NTEC 13 provides a forum for discussion of the draft MTEP 2014-2018, in accordance with SACEUR's Annual Guidance on Education, Training, Exercises and Evaluation (SAGE): collecting endorsements and observations from Nations to ensure their views and comments are taken into consideration for the final MTEP. The NTEC will be used to introduce Nations and Partners training opportunities and solicit participation from across NATO. The key topics for discussion include:

  1. Endorsement of the draft MTEP.
  2. Offers of Host Nation Support for MTEP events.
  3. Offers for Live Exercises (LIVEX) hosting; either through extant multinational training events or as a unique NATO Response Force (NRF) training opportunity.
  4. Issues related to a nations contribution/participation as an NRF component and/or a Joint Command and Control Capability (J2C2) Headquarters.
  5. National training issues of interest to NATO.

Final Agenda NTEC 2013

Master Presentation NTEC 2013 (PDF Format, Approx. 31MB)

Minutes (PDF Format)