Monday, February 18, 2013
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Training Synchronisation - NITEC & Ed Forum


For 2013, the Education Forum and the NATO Individual Training and Education Conference (NITEC) will be combined into a single one and a half day event. Due to the electronic Individual Training and Education Programme (e-ITEP) not yet having achieved NATO software accreditation, the discussion and approval by national representatives of an ITEP for the following year will not be the main focus of NITEC as original envisioned. Considering that NITEC and the Education Forum are closely related, these two events will be combined for this iteration of the Training Synchronisation Conference. The formal presentations and discussion programme will be held in Riga, Latvia all day on 22 January 2013, and the morning of 23 January. In addition, opportunities for hands-on informal demos of Technology-Based Learning and e-ITEP will be available over the three days of the Training Synchronisation Conference.

Aim of the Combined Conference. This combined conference is an interactive platform for national representatives as well as delegates from training centers, training facilities and education institutions. Its aims is to provide updates on NATO Education and Individual Training policies, capabilities and management while collecting feedback to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and affordability of education and training.

Education Forum

Purpose: bring together NATO & partner education and training experts and representatives to further develop relationships between education and training facilities. Spread a uniform transformation message, avoid duplication of efforts, increase awareness and streamline resources ensuring they are informed and where appropriate streamlined with ACT Directives.
Target Audience: All NATO and NATIONAL (including partners) education and training facilities with an interest in joint work with NATO (approx 80-140 attendees)
Endstate: Enabler, ongoing event recommendations from syndicates and joint session passed to ACOS JETE (Chair)
Method: Annual Conference
Timeline: 1 day

Final Agenda NITEC 2013

Master Presentation NITEC 2013 - Day 1 (PDF Format, Approx. 20MB)

Master Presentation NITEC 2013 - Day 2 (PDF Format, Approx. 1MB)