Engineered Resilient Systems




The Department faces new, 21st century challenges to designing and building defense systems. These include constraints and vulnerabilities of the global supply chain, rapidly changing user needs, and an uncertain operational future.


Our focus in Engineering Resilient Systems is to develop engineering concepts, science, and design tools to protect against malicious compromise of weapon systems and to develop agile manufacturing for trusted and assured defense systems. Meeting this goal will require intensifying consideration of design alternatives, enabling co-evolution of Concept of Operations and systems to support multiple alternative futures, and developing means of building trusted systems from untrusted components. The Department will improve engineering, design, and development of cyber-physical systems through six key S&T thrusts:

  1. New systems analysis methods and tools to address a wide range of system architecture and design drivers;
  2. Early concept engineering techniques;
  3. Advanced architecture and design analysis techniques and tools for accelerated creation and assessment;
  4. New approaches to analysis and testing, which interweave design processes with computational and physical testing and analysis;
  5. Methods and tools which foster more robust designs when untrusted components may be included; and
  6. Advanced algorithms.

Research in these areas will significantly transform traditional engineering practices, enhancing the productivity of U.S. industrial base in developing and adapting defense systems to address dynamic warfighter needs and better manage risks.

S&T Emphasis Area Resources

Engineered Resilient Systems (ERS) Overview
Posted 08/20/2012

Current Solicitations
Updated 10/1/2012







Naval Research Laboratory Office of Naval Research U.S. Air Force DARPA Force Health Protection & Readiness DTRA ASD(R&E) Army Research Laboratory Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisitions, Logistics and Technology