Policy Memorandum #17

Escort Privileges

IMHM-ES                                                                                                    1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #17, Escorted Visitor Policy

1.  The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Emergency Services.

2.  This policy is effective immediately and remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  Reference USFK Regulation 190-7, Installation Access Control, 1 Nov 10.

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to all personnel who are registered in DBIDS and authorized escort privileges.  

5.  Purpose.  To stress the importance of complying with established escort policy and procedures and to outline the repercussions involved with escort violations.

6.  Summary.  Visitors must be processed/registered onto the installation at an authorized Access Control Point (CPX Gate Visitor’s Center or Pedestrian Walk-Thru Gate) and be escorted at all times while on the installation.  In accordance with USFK Regulation 190-7, the area/installation commander will take action in cases where visitors are left uncontrolled by their Sponsor.  At a minimum, the Sponsor who signed the visitor onto the installation will lose their escort privileges for not less than ninety (90) days.

7.  The following policy and guidelines are established IAW USFK Regulation 190-7 to ensure compliance with the escorted visitor policy:

     a.  Escort privileges are granted to SOFA and non-SOFA personnel who are properly registered in DBIDS under their specific (individual) approved/authorized status. Escorted Visitors may only be signed onto the installation by someone who is properly registered in DBIDS.  Escort privileges cannot be sold, bartered, traded, or otherwise utilized for personal or monetary gain. 

     b.  Visitors found on the installation without their Sponsor present are considered to be trespassing and will be detained by law enforcement personnel.  The unescorted visitors are then subject to BARMENT from the installation.

     c.  Sponsors who fail to properly escort their visitors while on the installation (first time offenders) will be processed accordingly by law enforcement personnel and will lose their escort privileges for not less than ninety (90) days.  Second time offenders are subject to losing their escort privilege indefinitely, or for a period of time determined by the Garrison Commander.

     d.  Violations of this escort policy will be referred to the appropriate Commander, Director, Sponsoring Agency and Provost Marshal’s Office for appropriate action.

     e.  Visitors must be processed onto the installation at an authorized Access Control Point (CPX Gate Visitor’s Center or Pedestrian Walk-Thru Gate) and be escorted at all times while on the installation.  Extended visitor’s passes (72 or 96 hours) are processed and issued only at the CPX Gate Visitor’s Center.

     f.  Regardless of the duration an escorted visitor’s pass validity (24 hrs, 72 hrs, or 96 hrs), the escort (Sponsor) must either re-register or de-register their visitor from DBIDS at the Access Control Point where they initially processed the visitor pass prior to its expiration.

     g.  Escorted personnel must present and or surrender one of the following documents to visitor center security personnel for verification of identity/nationality and in exchange for an escorted visitor pass:

          (1)  Korean Nationals:  An official ROK Government ID Card bearing a photo (eg KID Card, ROK Driver License, Korean National Police Agency ID Card, ROK Military ID, ROK Ministry of National Defense ID, or Korean Passport). NOTE:  Persons of Korean Decent possessing a Korean Domestic Registration Card must also present a valid passport from the country of their citizenship.  The Domestic Registration Card will not be accepted without presenting a valid passport.

          (2)  Non-Korean Nationals:  Includes US Personnel; must present a valid passport for the purpose of verifying the visitor’s nationally  and ROK immigration (Visa) status (eg visa showing date of entry into the ROK and expiration date, other valid immigration visa or ROK Alien Registration Card).  After security personnel record passport information, the passport is returned to the visitor who must then surrender another (different) valid form of photo ID in exchange for the visitor’s pass.  If the visitor possesses no other form of valid photo ID, the sponsor may surrender his/her valid photo ID in exchange for the visitor’s pass. However, the sponsor may not surrender their personal DOD Military/US Government issued ID card for this purpose.

     h.  Persons violating this policy will have their escort privileges removed from DBIDS for the specified duration.  Following the ninety (90) day suspension period, the individual must request in writing, through the Directorate of Emergency Services, to the Garrison Commander to have their escort privileges reinstated.

     i.  37-EK Installation Base Pass holders (non-SOFA personnel) indentified to be in violation of this policy are required to return their 37-EK Pass to the CPX Visitor’s Center within three (3) duty days of receiving their escort violation notification.  A temporary installation pass (with limitations) may be issued thereafter for up ninety (90) days pending the investigation outcome.  If not returned, the employee’s sponsor will be notified and the persons USFK 37EK will be archived and installation access will be denied.

     j.  Persons suspected of violating this escort policy by their Sponsor, Requesting Authority, Approval Authority or by law enforcement personnel (MP/PMO) are subject to having their escort privileges suspended for thirty (30) days pending outcome of the official investigation.

     k.  Although suspension of escort privileges is an administrative action (ie no regulatory or statutory right for an appeal), individuals found in violation of stated policy may submit matters of reconsideration to the Garrison Commander for reconsideration.  Special consideration will be given to cases involving instances of administrative error or mistaken identity.

8.  Submit matters of reconsideration for reinstatement of escort privileges in writing THRU Directorate of Emergency Services FOR Commander, USAG Humphreys, Unit #15228, APO AP  96271-5228.

9.  Point of Contact is the USAG Humphreys Security Office at 753-5924, or the Pass & ID office at 753-6609/8172.

                                                                                 DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                                 COL, SF

A & B

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