Policy Memorandum #41

Requirements and Standards for Residing Off Post

IMHM-PWH                                                                                               1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #41, Requirements and Standards for Residing Off-Post

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works, Family Housing Division.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  References.  AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 12 Feb 08

4.  Purpose.  To establish policy and procedures for Housing Services Office (HSO) and to establish minimum requirements for off-post housing, health, safety, and security inspection.

5.  The off-post housing checklist (Appendix A) should be reproduced by local commands, and will be the only accepted inspection document used by this command.  This checklist may be augmented by the HSO as required due to circumstances in the local area (additions only); any deletions will require approval by the Director of Public Works for USAG Humphreys.

6.  Procedures for Housing Services Office.

     a. The HSO will perform the following functions IAW above references.

          (1)  Obtain nondiscriminatory listings of housing units in the commuting area.  Inspect property submitted for listing IAW the off-post housing check list as listed in Appendix A.

    (2)  Recommend the imposition of restrictive sanctions against housing facilities when the owner has discriminated against a DoD member attempting to rent a unit.

    (3)  Provide clean and serviceable off-post housing information to all eligible applicants.

    (4)  Provide escort service to vacant housing units.

          (5)  Assist in negotiation of lease agreements. 

          (6)  Receive and assist in resolving tenant and landlord complaints associated with housing.  Complaints that cannot be resolved will be referred to the appropriate agency, i.e., Staff Judge Advocate Office and Inspector General Office.

    (7)  Maintain continuous liaison with housing agents in the community and government agencies regarding availability of off-post housing assets to satisfy DoD housing requirements.

    (8)  It is the responsibility of the HSO, to ensure that off-post quarters meet adequacy and safety standards.

     b. Unit Commanders are responsible to ensure that all personnel process through the HSO prior to seeking off-post accommodation.  The unit commanders are required to know the location where the Soldiers in their unit is residing off-post.

     c. Soldier responsibilities include.

          (1)  Personnel requesting permission to reside off-post will report to the Housing Office and obtain the application forms to accomplish this task.  The Housing form will be the request for permission to reside off-post EANC-HG Form 1058-R.  This 1058R form will be processed at Battalion/Brigade commander recommendation with a 05 and above signature, recommending approval/disapproval.  If approved EANC-HG Form 1058-R, will be returned to the housing office.  The HSO will review the form and forward it to the USAG Humphreys Commander for approval.

   (2)  When permission to reside off-post is approved the Soldier will contact the HSO for assistance in obtaining off-post accommodations and completing the necessary lease and finance office paperwork.

   (a)  A HSO inspector will make an assessment of the unit to ensure that the unit meets adequacy standards and safety standards, i.e., walls are in good repair without tears in paper, floors are in good condition without major tears in floor covering, ceilings are freshly painted, and faucets do not drip.  Remarks will be annotated for the Soldier on a housing checklist to remind Soldiers of key points that need to be corrected prior to entering into a lease agreement (appendix a).  A copy of a blank lease agreement will be provided to the Soldier and suggestions to include in the lease agreement prior to the actual signing of the lease.

When the unit meets stated requirements, the Soldier may begin negotiations with the landlord for leasing the property.  Soldiers may request assistance from the HSO for help during the negotiation.

          (c)  A copy of authorized furniture allowances will be provided to Soldiers prior to lease negotiation to allow them to plan for their relocation to private lease housing.

    (3)  When the lease agreement is completed by the Soldier and landlord, return the signed and stamped copy to the HSO. The Soldier should not sign the lease until reviewed and approved by the HSO. The HSO will review and sign the lease and make a file copy of the lease and safety inspection and any other documents that will be retained in the Housing file.

     d. If the Soldier is authorized to receive the Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), Individual Overseas Housing Allowance, DD Form 2367 will be completed at the same time as the lease.  The Housing Management Assistant will process and transmit the entire off-post housing package to the finance office for appropriate action.  One copy of the off-post housing package is retained in the HSO file and one copy is given to the Soldier.  If the Soldier changes dwelling or extends his tour of duty he must notify the HSO.

     e. To be eligible for overseas housing allowance, Soldiers must be under one of the following categories. 

          (1)  Command Sponsored or Joint Domicile tour.

    (2)  Unaccompanied in the grade of E7 or above (includes Soldiers  serving “All Others Tour”) when UPH occupancy exceeds 95%.

    (3)  Government quarters are not available (all grades).

    (4)  Non-command sponsored with family members living in the vicinity.
       (5)  Pregnant single soldiers with a doctor’s note stating she is at least 28 weeks (7 Months).

     f. Required Forms:

    (1)  EANC-HG Form 1058-R, Request for Permission to Reside Off-Post

    (2)  USFK Form 179-R, Off-Post Housing Checklist (Appendix A).

    (3)  EANC-HG Form 1057EK-R, Lease Agreement.

    (4)  DD Form 2367, Individual Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Report.

          (5)  Overseas Housing Allowance Brief Sheet.

7.  Minimum Requirements for Off-Post Housing Health, Safety and Security Inspections.

     a. General:  This policy prescribes minimum standards for certifying economy housing as adequate.  Items listed are mandatory requirements that must be met in order to pass Safety Office inspection.

     b. Standards:

          (1)  Location:

    (a)  In an on-limits area certified by the local military law enforcement office.

    (b)  Accessible to emergency vehicles such as ambulances, fire vehicles, and others.  Being within 100 feet of a street or other adequate vehicle approach to the dwelling is considered to be accessible.

    (2)  Structure:

    (a)  Screening.  Windows leading to the exterior vents, and openings will be provided with tight fitting mesh insect screening.

    (b)  Ventilation.  A window area, adequate as determined by the inspector, should be provided in each room.  Kitchens or areas in which toilet facilities are located should have screened windows opening to the exterior or functioning mechanical ventilation.

        (c)  Heating Systems.  Facilities should be western style.  Since this type is not always commonly available, the types that may be approved are listed in ranking order of preference.

    a  Central heating-using oil and either forced draft or circulating hot water heating system.

    b  Electric or Propane Gas (LPG) stoves.  LPG containers should be located on the exterior of the buildings and protected from the direct rays of the sun.

    c  Ondol floors, heating by embedded steam piping, circulating hot water piping, or electric heating elements may still be founding the Humphreys area but are not authorized for use by USAG Humphreys personnel.

    (d)  Heating system ventilation.  Chimneys and metal heat vents must not be corroded or improperly supported.  At the point of passage through combustible walls, partitions, or roofs, metal heat vents will be provided with a metal ventilated thimble having a diameter at least four (4) inches larger than the diameter of the heat vent.  Thimbles shall have a clearance of at least nine (9) inches from combustible structural materials.  Roof thimbles shall extend at least nine (9) inches above the surrounding roofs, metal heat vents will have at least 18 inches of clearance from combustibles.  An electrical exhaust fan is required on all charcoal heating systems at the top of the chimney.

          (e)  Roofing.  Must have a weatherproof roof.  Thatched-type roofs do not meet safety or fire standards and are unacceptable.

    (f)  Multi-family units.  In buildings of frame construction have more than two stories, each unit must have access to at least two means of egress, and at least one must exit directly to the exterior of the building.

    1  Kitchens must be physically separated from the bathroom or toilet facilities.
    2  Should have windows that open, properly screened, leading to the exterior or functioning mechanical ventilation.

    3  Must have minimum potable water storage of five (5) gallons per dwelling.

    4  An exterior trash and garbage container location must be available and provisions for periodic removal of contents must exist.  Trash and garbage containers must have lids.

    (g)  Bathrooms and toilet facilities.

    1  Must be physically located away from the kitchen and be in the same apartment.

    2  Must have a flush-type toilet facility with lid.  The toilet will be serviceable with no leaks from commode or the water storage tank.

     3  Shower or bathtub should be provided.  All plumbing should be in serviceable condition with no leaks.  No cross connection between the water supply and sewage lines are permitted.

    4  Should have windows that open, properly screened, leading to the exterior or positive mechanical ventilation.

    (h)  Electrical systems.

          1  Each branch circuit shall have an overload protection device, circuit breaker or fuse box.
    2  A separate branch circuit will be available for each air-conditioning unit to be installed. 

    3  Minimum wire size for branch circuits shall be #4 (or 1.6 mm) for 15 amps (Korean Electrical Code).

    4  A main service switch will be provided to allow securing power to the entire dwelling.  For multi-family dwellings, each apartment unit will be provided with a main service switch.

    5  There must be no evidence of frayed or bare electrical wiring.

    (i)  Cooking Facilities.

    1  Electric ranges or hot plates may be used, however, cooking by this method is expensive, and the use of a step up transformer may be required.  Two hundred twenty (220) volt systems usually must be added at the tenant’s expense.  For the above mentioned reasons it is recommended that propane gas be used.

    2  Propane gas type stove is normally used in this area.  All installations of any type of gas stove or heaters must be licensed by Korean Gas Company personnel.

    3  LPG, such as butane and propane, are flammable and relatively nontoxic but may act as an anesthetic.  They are heavier than air.

    4  LPG is odorless but in Korea it has a foul smell due to odorant additive.

    5  All personnel residing in off-post economy quarters must be briefed on the following.
    a  LPG tanks must be kept outside the building on a balcony or other suitable location and protected against excessive rise in temperature from direct rays of the sun or from other sources of heat.

    b  The plastic/rubber type hose is subject to hardening, cracking, and leaking as it ages; regular inspection is necessary.

    c  Personnel should be able to recognize the smell of propane (LPG) gas.

    d  Before going to bed, always check to ensure range controls are in off positions.

          e  When hooking up a new LPG tank, listen for leaks and test container tank/connections with soapy water.

    f  The main valves on the tank must be shut off when occupants are expecting to be away from their residence for extended periods.

    g  The safety valve adjacent to the range must be shut off whenever the range is not in use.

8.  Minimum requirements for off-post housing security inspections.  The below listed standards MUST be complied with if the off-post residence is to pass the inspection.  If one or more of the standards are not complied with, the residence WILL FAIL the inspection.  If you have any questions concerning your security inspection, please call the HSO, 753-6579.

     a.  Main Entrance Doors.

          (1)  Glass, if installed, must be reinforced to prevent access to locks.

    (2)  Outside hinge-pins must be non removable.

    (3)  Doors must fit securely into the door jam.

    (4)  Door latches must fit securely into the strike plate.

    (5)  Doors must be strong enough so that no portion of the door can be pushed in to allow unauthorized entry.

    (6)  Door frames must be solid core or filled with concrete.

    (7)  Doors must contain a double locking system.  Two deadbolt type locks are required; or a deadbolt type and cipher lock.  Hasps are not authorized.  The only exception to this policy is a sliding door, which may be secured with hasps, provided they meet the requirements set forth in paragraph 8b(3) below.

     b.  Sliding Doors.

          (1)  Doors must fit securely into the slide tracks.

    (2)  Doors must have the capability to lock into each other.

    (3)  If secured by hasps, at least two must be used, and they must be made of steel which is at least 1/8” thick.  Hasps must be of the type that precludes removal of the fastening screws when locked.

     c.  Auxiliary Doors.

          (1)  Doors must be sufficiently constructed to prevent unauthorized entry.

    (2)  Doors must contain a double locking system.  Hasps must meet the criteria set forth in paragraph 8b(3) above.

    (3)  If secured by hasps, the hasps must be mounted on the inside of the door.

     d.  Lighting.

    (1)  Exterior doors must have adequate lighting which is free from dirt and other obstructions that would reduce illumination.

    (2)  Lighting must be controlled from inside quarters.

    (3)  Light receptacles must be sufficiently protected to prevent removal or breakage of the light bulb/lamp.

     e.  Windows.

    (1)  Window frames must be constructed to preclude removal from the outside.

    (2)  Each window must have a double locking system, to preclude opening the window when the locking devices are engaged.
    (3)  Security bars for windows.  Solid steel security bars for windows are required for all ground floor dwellings.  This requirement is optional for all other dwellings.  A dwelling will not fail the security inspection due to the lack of security bars.  The Housing Office must give this warning to all individuals who request to live off-post.

    (a)  WARNING:  SECURITY BARS INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF BEING TRAPPED IN A BURNING BUILDING.  The window security bars may keep the burglar out, however, in the event there is a fire, the bars usually will keep the occupants in the dwelling.  If there are bars in the dwelling, the sponsor must provide for an emergency exit: “A WAY OUT.”  If there is only one door as is the case in many dwellings, then a window must be used.  All Family members must be instructed on how to use the emergency exit and be able to remove the bars or security device.

    (b)  If the sliding accordion or scissors type security device is used, the key to the lock should be located where all family members will have quick access to the key.  When a fire occurs, timing is critical and panic can inhibit timely location and use of the key.  Occupants may be trapped and serious injuries or death could result.

9.  Understanding and Compliance.  All personnel who intend to reside off-post are required to have their unit command read and sign a copy of the policy.

10.  Mandatory Use of Korean Trash Bags for Off-Post Residents

a. You must purchase and use Korean trash bags.  It is the Law!  Local officials will begin enforcing this requirement more stringently in future.  Non compliance will result in stiff fine starting at W1,000,000 per incident.

b. The purchase of the trash bags is your responsibility, not the responsibility of the landlord or the realtor.  These bags can be purchased in the Commissary and in local convenience stores.  You may not bring your trash on post to avoid this requirement.

c. As ambassadors of the United States, we each have a responsibility to follow the rules of our Korean host nation.  The alliance between the City of Pyongteak and US Army Garrison Humphreys is a strong partnership that we should all be proud to support.

11.  Supplements to this policy are not permitted without written approval of the Commander USAG Humphreys

12.  Point of contact is the DPW Housing Division Chief at 753-7358.


Encl                                                                      DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
Appendix A                                                          COL, SF


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