Policy Memorandum #67

Environmental Quality Control Committee Charter

IMHM-PWE                                                                                                1 August 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #67, Environmental Quality Control Committee Charter

1. The proponent for this policy is the Directorate of Public Works.

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

3.  References.

a. AR 200-1, Environmental Quality – Environmental Protection and Enhancement, 13 Dec 07, effective date 23 Dec 07 Section 15-2.

4.  Applicability.  This policy applies to:

 a. All USAG-Humphreys’ Headquarters Directorates and Staff, all installation support activities, and tenant units organizations.

 b. All permanently or temporarily active duty military and reserve components at USAG-Humphreys and Area III.

5.  Purpose.  The purpose of this policy is to establish the Environmental Quality Control Committee (EQCC) chaired by the Garrison Commander (GC).  The EQCC will help to plan, execute, and monitor actions and programs with environmental implications.  The committee will identify issues, make recommendations, and advise the GC.

6.  Scope.  The EQCC will develop policies and strategies to protect the environment and the health and well being of all personnel at USAG Humphreys by:

 a. Making necessary recommendations to the GC to enhance, address, and resolve environmental issues.

 b. Coordinating the Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP) with affected installation elements.

 c. Developing policies and strategies to ensure full compliance with Department of the Army, United States Forces Korea, Installation Management Command and Korean Environmental Governing Standards and applicable Host Nation laws and regulations to achieve minimal adverse impacts on the air, water, land, wildlife and human health.

 d. Establishing programs to continuously inform all USAG-Humphreys Federal employees and support contractors and USAG-Humphreys community and family members to promote an elevated sense of environmental awareness.

 e. At least annually, and in conjunction with the GC, EQCC will conduct a management review of their Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure its continuity suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness.

7.  Organization.  The GC serves as the EQCC chairperson.  The Directorate of Public Works (Environmental Division) will serve as the executive secretary.  The EQCC membership shall include the following:

• Garrison Commander
• Directorate of Public Works (DPW)
• Directorate of Logistics (DOL)
• Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)
• Directorate of Resource Management (DRM)
• Directorate of Information Management (DOIM)
• Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization & Security (DPTMS)
• Directorate of Family Morale Welfare and Recreation (DFMWR)
• Plans Analysis and Integration Office (PAIO)
• Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
• Public Affairs Office (PAO)
• Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC)
• Army and Air Force Exchange Services (AAFES)
• Defense Commissary Agency (DECA)
• Installation Safety Office
• Commander, 194th CSSB
• Commander, 2nd CAB
• Commander, 22nd KSC
• Commander, USACA-K
• Commander, 3rd MI BN
• Commander, A Co 304th Signal BN
• Commander, 3-2 GSAB
• Commander, 4-2 AVN BN
• Commander, 4-58th AOB
• Commander, 501st Signal Co
• Commander, 52nd ORD BN
• Commander, 532nd MI BN
• Commander, 538th ORD BN
• Commander, 557th MP Co
• Commander, 568th Med Co
• Commander, 6th ORD BN
• Commander, 602nd  ASB
• Commander, 719th MI BN

8.  General Requirements. 

 a. The EQCC meetings will be conducted quarterly.

 b. Attendance at EQCC meetings is mandatory for all members.

 c. All organizations will ensure applicable personnel at all levels conform to a single installation-wide Environmental Management System (EMS).

 d. The EQCC membership may adopt resolutions provided they are accepted by a simple majority of the EQCC (one vote for each Federal activity represented) and approved of by the chairperson.  Non-Federal activity representatives do not vote.  The role of the EQCC members is to advise the GC.  The decision making authority rests soley with the GC regardless of any vote the EQCC may take.

9.  Appointing Environmental Officers.  Organizations and Unit Commanders will appoint Environmental Officer(s) and alternate(s) to ensure operational compliance and coordination with installation environmental staff.  The role of the Environmental Officer will include the following:

 a. Establish Environmental Management System objectives and targets within the home unit.

 b. Maintain the Green Procurement program within the home unit in accordance with Executive Order 13148.

 c. Promote Environmental Outreach and Volunteer effort events within the home unit, for example Earth Day, National Recycling Day, Tree Planting and Invasive species removal.

 d. Attend the quarterly Environmental Officer Counsel (EOC) and EQCC meetings with quarterly report out to the committee on individual unit environmental program status.

10.  The EQCC charter will be posted on the USAG-Humphreys website at https://8army.korea.army.mil/sites/imcom/area3/dpw/environmental/default.aspx.  The DPW Environmental Division will coordinate all EQCC meetings and maintain all EQCC records.

11.  Point of contact for this policy is the Chief, DPW Environmental Division, 753-7964.


                                                                               DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                               COL, SF


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