Policy Memorandum #06

Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

IMHM-HRS                                                                                                    30 July 2012


SUBJECT:  United States Army Garrison Humphreys Policy Letter #6, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

1.  The proponency for this policy is the Army Substance Abuse Program Manager. 

2.  This policy is effective immediately.  It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded. 

3.  References.

     a.  AR 600-85, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), 2 Feb 09.

     b.  Eighth Army Policy Letter #11, Substance Abuse Prevention and Deterrence,      5 May 04.

4.  Purpose.  This memorandum describes the USAG Humphreys Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP).

5.  Policy.

    a.  Referral.  A Soldier whose alcohol or other drug abuse surfaces through Military Police Desk Blotter Reports (DA Form 3997), via a Medical Record Consultation Sheet (Standard Form 513), a positive urinalysis report, or through self identification will be referred to the Army Substance Abuse Program-Clinical (ASAP-Clinical) for an initial screening interview.

    b.  Enrollment.

        (1)  The ASAP is a commander’s program performed at the Army Substance Program Office.  The company commander is the referral authority for enrollment, the rehabilitative phase, and determining success or failure.  Company commanders make enrollment decisions using.

        (a)  The perceived potential for the Soldier to render effective service with rehabilitation.

        (b)  The professional treatment staff recommendations.

       (c)  The unit ability to sustain short-term rehabilitation cost versus long-term advantages.

       (2)  Soldiers enrolled in an outpatient rehabilitation program will have a term between 30 to 360 days.
      (3)  Inpatient program is a 360 day program.  The first six weeks will be at the Alcohol Treatment Center (ATC), Brian Algood Army Community Hospital.  The balance of care involves weekly sessions at the Army Substance Abuse Program, meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and medical checkups.

    c.  Unit Prevention Leaders.

         (1)  IAW AR 600-85, unit commanders shall appoint at least one Soldier, grade E-5 or above, to serve as Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs).  These Soldiers should possess sufficient skill, integrity and maturity, and at least eight months retainability.  UPLs require access to a computer with USAG Humphreys internet capability and a USFK Army e-mail address.  UPLs manage their unit alcohol and drug prevention programs and supervise collecting and transporting of urine specimens.  UPLs also provide unit Soldiers quarterly alcohol and drug abuse prevention training, and assist the commander to identify, refer, and enroll Soldiers in ASAP.

        (2)  Every Soldier considered for appointment as a UPL must have a criminal background check to prevent appointing individuals with a record of drug possession, sale or use, DUI, black marketing, or any offense considered a felony.  A previous release from the Army Substance Abuse Program for unsatisfactory progress in a current enrollment also disqualifies an individual from serving as UPL. 

        (3)  The USAG Humphreys ASAP administrative staff assists UPLs with urinalysis collection procedures, and ASAP procedures and SOPs.  UPLs should contact the ASAP two weeks in advance for on-site services.  The ASAP also conducts monthly qualifying training for UPLs.  Every UPL should receive this training within 30 days of appointment and at one-year intervals.

    d.  Unit Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Training.

         (1)  All Soldiers will receive a minimum of one hour of substance abuse prevention and awareness training per quarter performed by their unit UPL.

       (2)  The UPL conducting training, shall report to the USAG Humphreys ASAP Manager, or to the Prevention Coordinator (PC) on completed substance abuse prevention and awareness classes, and assure documentation for all completed classes are IAW with the attached memorandum, and provided to the ASAP Manager or PC within 5 working days.

       (3)  The USAG Humphreys ASAP PC will assist UPLs in developing training by providing audiovisual and printed materials.  The PC’s office number is 753-7361.

6. The POC for this policy is the Army Substance Abuse Program Manager at 753-7366.

Encl                                                                        DARIN S. CONKRIGHT
                                                                              COL, SF


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