Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnergyEnergy EfficiencyTransportation EnergyTransportation Energy Systems Analysis

Transportation Energy Systems Analysis

In the coming decades, personal transportation options and the required infrastructure must undergo a fundamental transformation to achieve the nation’s economic, environmental, and national security needs. New fuel sources, consideration of greenhouse gas emissions and oil dependence, and application of new technologies will contribute to this transformation to sustainable transportation solutions. Moreover, the heterogeneous distribution of potential resources and populations suggests that the US should consider regional transportation energy systems rather than monolithic national architectures. The complexities and unintended consequences of such a multi-pronged approach are not well understood. How can mixes of energy sources and improved efficiency standards fit together into secure, robust, and sustainable solutions?

Sandia’s transportation energy analysis program is focused on exploring the intersection of vehicle technologies and fuels. We have conducted technology feasibility studies, trade-off analyses, and developed system dynamics models that examine vehicle and fuel technology pathways and opportunities. We have also organized workshops to bring together broad stakeholders in the transportation energy community to examine critical technologies, policies, and standards and their influence on technology evolution.
•	Transitioning the Transportation Sector: Exploring the Intersection of Biofuels and Electric Vehicles

Recent studies and workshops:



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