Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnergyEnergy EfficiencySolid-State Lighting Science EFRC

Solid-State Lighting Science EFRC

SSLS EFRC: Solid-State Lighting Science Energy Frontier Research Center


Sandia’s center is one of 46 multi-million dollar EFRCs funded by the Department of Energy Office of Science. The goal is to improve the energy-efficiency in the way we light our homes and offices. Solid-state lighting has the potential to cut this energy consumption in half or even more!These centers are a means to enlist the talents and skills of the very best American scientists and engineers to address current fundamental scientific roadblocks to U.S. energy security. For a short summary of the EFRC program and its impact, see the fact sheet below.
EFRC Fact Sheet pdf 404.53 kB.

Lighting consumes roughly 22 percent of U.S. electricity, a roughly $50 billion/year cost to the U.S. consumer. Solid-state lighting is an emerging technology with the potential to reduce that energy consumption by a factor of 3 to 6 times. Despite a decade’s enormous progress, however, solid-state lighting remains a factor of 5 to 10 times away from this potential.

The SSLS center team is accelerating advances in this fundamental science by exploring energy conversion in tailored photonic structures. Drawing on Sandia’s long history of solid-state lighting research and development, and working closely with its university and industry partners, the center’s goals are to:

The center aims to lay the scientific groundwork, now, that will enable achieving the upper-end potential of solid-state lighting 10 to 20 years from now.


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