Colonel Patrick E. Matlock

Chief of Staff
1st Armored Division

Colonel Patrick Matlock graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1988. He currently serves as the Chief of Staff, 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss, Texas. His command assignments include a tank platoon in Texas, reconnaissance troop in Germany, tank company and headquarters company in Korea, reconnaissance squadron in Texas, and infantry brigade combat team in Germany.

His reconnaissance troop won the Germany Army's 1994 Boeselager All-Around Reconnaissance Competition. His reconnaissance squadron served in Iraq from late 2006 to early 2008. His infantry brigade combat team served in Regional Command - North, Afghanistan from 2011 to 2012.

Colonel Matlock's company-grade staff assignments include tank company executive officer in Texas, aide-de-camp in Texas, reconnaissance squadron adjutant in Germany, and small group instructor in the Armor Captains Career Course in Kentucky. He served in Saudi Arabia and Iraq as a company executive officer from 1990 to 1991.

Colonel Matlock's field-grade staff assignments include division chief of the Armor Captains Career Course in Kentucky, tank battalion operations officer, tank battalion executive officer, and armor brigade executive officer in Texas, and joint planner observer / trainer in Virginia. He served in Iraq and Afghanistan as a joint planner observer / trainer for several short periods in 2003 and 2004.

Colonel Matlock is a graduate of the Armor Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the Cavalry Leaders Course, the Command and General Staff Officers Course, the Joint and Combined Warfare School, and the Advanced Strategic Arts Program at the Army War College. His Bachelor of Science degree is with a field of study in ethical philosophy; his Master of Science degree is in national security studies. He is also a Joint Specialty Officer. Colonel Matlock's awards include the legion of merit, the bronze star medal, the defense meritorious service medal, and the meritorious service medal. He is authorized to wear the Army parachutist badge and the combat action badge. He is also an Eagle Scout.