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RIMS II Online Order and Delivery System

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What are RIMS II multipliers?

RIMS II input-output multipliers show how local demand shocks affect total gross output, value added, earnings, and employment in the region.

How much do multipliers cost?

You may order RIMS II multipliers for any region or for any RIMS II industry.

  • $275 per Region

Multipliers may be ordered for any region that consists of one or more contiguous counties at a cost of $275 per region. For each region that you order, you will receive Type I and Type II final-demand and direct-effect multipliers for all the RIMS II industries in the region. Note: Multipliers for each county or state within the region will not be provided.

  • $75 per Industry

State-level multipliers may be ordered for any RIMS II industry at a cost of $75 per industry. For each industry that you order, you will receive Type I and Type II final-demand and direct-effect multipliers for all the states and the District of Columbia.

What industry detail is available?

  • Annual series. These multipliers are available for 62 aggregated industries (PDF).  Multipliers from this series are based on more current but less detailed national annual input-output data.   
  • Benchmark series. These multipliers are available for 406 detailed industries (PDF) and for the same 62 aggregated industries that are provided in the annual series.  Multipliers from this series are based on more detailed but less current national benchmark input-output data.