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somename777 somename777 What is is like being a 68T? 202 4 1 hour ago by MabryPsyD
OR2BAJA OR2BAJA Paramedic and ACASP 47 0 8 hours ago by OR2BAJA
emyles1 emyles1 Dental Corps 48 1 11 hours ago by MabryPsyD
AliasTyler AliasTyler 68W the right choice? 266 5 1 day ago by iCOLOSSUS
katiesarahsmom katiesarahsmom 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist 4,226 15 3 days ago by Rivegauche610
Mindgame07 Mindgame07 Becoming a 60W as a foreigner (EU-Citizen) 72 0 3 days ago by Mindgame07
hit1990 hit1990 68w & General Questions!! (Help...Please!!) 1,232 12 4 days ago by iCOLOSSUS
GoArmyGirlSky97 GoArmyGirlSky97 Becoming a Psychologist 339 3 1 week ago by iCOLOSSUS
ColorGuardTae ColorGuardTae Medical Record 166 1 1 week ago by mLndg4m3
MjWilliams23 MjWilliams23 68W to Doctor? 210 1 1 week ago by iCOLOSSUS
cmatt68w cmatt68w 68W to be, a few questions.. 142 0 1 week ago by cmatt68w
nelmsinhd nelmsinhd 68W1 - 18x - 18D Question. 289 1 1 week ago by mLndg4m3
victor224 victor224 Questions about 68K and Army PA program 285 1 1 week ago by MabryPsyD
coralnicole Nurse Corps 9,193 4 1 week ago by jgt414
2Med 2Med 68WN9- soon to be 68F training question? 261 0 1 week ago by 2Med
SSGRichardson SSGRichardson Enlisted to AMEDD MSW Program 1,107 4 2 weeks ago by LTBell
trcoupel trcoupel Grad School 156 0 2 weeks ago by trcoupel
gydub LPN/LVN 6,407 3 2 weeks ago by Franzine
hwhitcomb86 hwhitcomb86 Information about Mental Health Specialist 1,581 17 2 weeks ago by MabryPsyD
Nengland Nengland Question for prior service 189 2 2 weeks ago by Nengland
TaylorBrooke TaylorBrooke Becoming an RN in the Army 340 1 2 weeks ago by MabryPsyD
Kpaige77 Kpaige77 becoming a medic 527 2 2 weeks ago by Kpaige77
bmartin12 bmartin12 question about joining the ARMY 386 1 3 weeks ago by cozy63
tekjr3 tekjr3 Internship Opportunities for Medical Student 378 0 3 weeks ago by tekjr3
tekjr3 tekjr3 Tattoos for Future Medical Student 515 0 3 weeks ago by tekjr3
Tawneylgn Tawneylgn Question about 68W and specializations 3,089 13 3 weeks ago by sierra.s.wicks
Startofanew Startofanew choosing my path 602 2 3 weeks ago by Startofanew
PonsAsinorum PonsAsinorum civilian doctors in military medicine 411 0 4 weeks ago by PonsAsinorum
medina328 68X- Behavioral Health Specialist 2,587 2 4 weeks ago by hwhitcomb86
kendell.t.smith kendell.t.smith First duty station 68w 547 1 1 month ago by janellesennert