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Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

• Sexual assault is a criminal offense that has no place in the Army. It degrades mission readiness by devastating the Army's ability to work effectively as a team.

• Sexual assault is incompatible with Army Values and the Warrior Ethos and is punishable under the Uniform Codes of Military Justice (UCMJ) and other federal and local civilian laws.

• The Army will use training, education, and awareness to:

  • Prevent sexual assault

  • Promote the sensitive handling of victims of sexual assault

  • Offer confidential counseling

  • Hold those who commit sexual assault offenses accountable Reinforce a commitment to Army Values
• The Army will treat all victims of sexual assault with dignity, fairness, and respect.

• The Army will treat every sexual assault incident seriously, thoroughly investigate the incident, and hold those who commit offenses accountable.


Sexual Assault Hotline   706-791-6297

An advocate is available 24/7.


If you feel that you are a victim of sexual assault, please call the sexual assault hotline to report the incident to the SARC or an installation victim advocate. They are located in Darling Hall, Army Community Service, Room 224, 0800-1600.


Important local phone numbers:

Social Work Services 706-787-3656
DDEAMC 706-787-5811
Military Police 706-791-4537
Richmond County Sheriff 706-821-1080
Columbia County Sheriff 706-541-1043

Links to more information:

US Army Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program

U.S. DoD Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Men Can Stop Rape

National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Rape Abuse & Incest National Network




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This is an official U.S. Army web site, containing official government information, published by Fort Gordon Army Community Service

Site Last Modified: 10/12/2012