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Financial Readiness

Financial Readiness offers a wide range of services to individual soldiers and to units. For the individual, assistance is available for preparing detailed budgets or in developing strategies for improved financial stability. Soldiers who are anticipating a PCS move, a deployment, marriage, or who are expecting a baby could benefit from the various classes that are scheduled weekly. We suggest the Money Matters class, which is conducted weekly. For those who are experiencing or anticipate financial difficulties, we recommend class attendance, individual counseling, or applying for assistance from Army Emergency Relief, depending on the severity of the situation.

If you need a budget prepared in order to move off-post, you must register and attend the Money Matters class.  Please call 791-3371 to register.   Be sure to inform the instructor that you need to prepare a budget and have your off-post packet signed.  The class is held in Building 29719.  Please come around to the back of the building to the computer lab door. Bring your most recent end-of-month LES, a list of your debts and monthly expenses, and your off-post packet issued by your unit. An instructor will assist you in the step by step creation of a personal budget and will make suggestions on ways to reduce expenses, increase savings, or pay off debts.

If you're thinking about making a major financial decision or purchase, contact one of our financial readiness counselors for guidance or stop by our office in Darling Hall, Room 172. We have a number of publications that can help you make better financial decisions and become a smarter consumer. We can also help the beginning investor understand the basics and provide information on the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). For specific investment advice, we can provide a checklist for locating a reputable financial planner. Be sure to contact our office if you have a consumer issue or want to make a complaint. Check our link to the Better Business Bureau and to Military Sentinel to investigate complaints against local businesses.

Our office also assists units in providing financial and consumer training. Classes are available on checking account management, the ABC’s of credit, credit reports and credit scoring, insurance, car buying, identity theft, and budgeting. To request a class, please call (706) 791-3371/7878.

Junior enlisted Soldiers assigned to Fort Gordon as their first permanent duty station must complete computer based training in financial readiness.

Credit Military Money


Handling Your Money Taxes
Car Buying and Repair Consumer Law
Fraud and Scams


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This is an official U.S. Army web site, containing official government information, published by Fort Gordon Army Community Service

Site Last Modified: 10/12/2012