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Headquarters and Service Battalion

Headquarters Marine Corps

Henderson Hall
S-3 Operations Mission Statement
Support the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall ATFP Plan. Plan, schedule, and coordinate Marine Corps annual training and PME for Headquarters and Service Battalion Personnel. In conjunction with Director, Marine Corps Staff, arrange for support of special events requiring Marines.
Professional Military Education

All names must be submitted to the H&S BN S-3 no later than 45 working days prior to the class report date. Strict adherence to the 45 day policy is in effect for all SNCOA courses. Any nomination after the 45 day mark will result in the MSC losing priority for that seat regardless of allocations. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. All names must be submitted with a Command Screening Checklist.

Amplifying Instructions

Students will report with Service Record Book, medical examination verification, dental record, signed command screening checklist, original orders, and in the Service “A” Uniform.

1. Students will report by 1700 on the report date to the Designated Director, SNCOA for temporary military instruction of about six weeks for each course.
2. Quarters and messing are available at all SNCOA sites for students on funded orders.
3. Prospective students must complete a “TD” fitness report prior to reporting for temporary duty.
4. The program of instruction requires students to participate mess night/dining out or a professional dinner. Costs for these events are approximately $20-$25 and are incurred by the student.
5. Students are encouraged to review the SNCOA Web site for any additional information, at:

Corporal's Leadership Course
Corporals Course is focused on providing the skills necessary to lead Marines, and is designed to proivde the war fighting skill, core values and mindset necessary for the effective leadership of a team and subordinate Marines. Upon completion,  Corporals will have the skills necessary to: clearly articulate one's thoughts in both oral and written communications; understand the standards of leadership traits, principles, and fundamentals;  understand the Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) mindset of "doing instead of knowing;" execute and apply tactical measures at the team level; conduct training for Marines in the MCCS Program and MOS Training; Understanding operational risk management and apply risk management principles; understand career progression; and conduct personal/personnel management for the team.

Class Report Date Graduation Date Submission Deadline

M02T4M5 Sergeants Course
Instruction places emphasis on leadership development and warfighting skills necessary to lead Marines in combat and builds upon the knowledge gained in the distance education program. Graduates of the Sergeants Course will have the enhanced knowledge and skills necessary to successfully act in the role of a small unit leader.
Print the Screening Check List.

Class     Report Date    Graduation Date    Submission Deadline
1-13       23 Oct 2012      12 Dec 2012               10 Sep 2012
2-13       08 Jan 2013      27 Feb 2013               26 Nov 2012
3-13       04 Mar 2013      19 Apr 2013                18 Jan 2013
4-13       23 Apr 2013       11 Jun 2013               08 Mar 2013
6-13       20 Aug 2013      08 Oct 2013               05 July 2013

M02T8A5 Staff Noncommissioned Officers Career Course
This intermediate course includes instruction in administrative procedures, management, physical training, military justice, drill, customs and courtesies, and inspections, training and training management, management, leadership and the organization of the Marine Corps and techniques odf military instruction.

Class     Report Date     Graduation Date    Submission Deadline
1-13       24 Oct 2012      13 Dec 2012            10 Sep 2012
2-13       09 Jan 2013      28 Feb 2013             26 Nov 2012
3-13       06 Mar 2013      23 Apr 2013             18 Jan 2013
4-13       30 Apr 2013      18 Jun 2013             08 Mar 2013
6-13       21 Aug 2013      09 Oct 2013             05 July 2013

M02T8H5 Staff Noncommissioned Officers Advanced Course
This is an advanced level professional military education course directed to First Sergeants/Master Sergeants and selectees in order to broaden and enhance individual capabilities and perspectives in preparation for duty within those grades.  The course of instruction includes leadership effective communication, drill, uniform regulations management, physical training management, personnel and general administration, military justice, tactics, amphibious operations tactical communications, and computer science.

Class      Report Date      Graduation Date      Submission Deadlines
1-13         25 Oct 2012      14 Dec 2012                  10 Sep 2012
2-13         10 Jan 2013      01 Mar 2013                   26 Nov 2012
3-13         07 Mar 2013      24 Apr 2013                   18 Jan 2013
4-13         01 May 2013      19 Jun 2013                  08 Mar 2013
6-13         22 Aug 2013      10 Oct 2013                   05 Jul 2013

First Sergeant/Master Sergeant Seminar
The First Sergeant/ Master Sergeant Seminar is the top level course in the EPME system for senior SNCOs that provides an overview of USMC current initiatives and policies. The seminar will include briefs on the following areas: Operations, Personnel, Leadership Traits, Joint Operations and ongoing initiative within our Corps.

Location Report Date Graduation Date Submission Date


H & S BN 2013 TEEPH&S Bn, HQMC, CY2012 Annual Training Requirements

2013 Training Exemption Letter

Rifle Range Dates:
ART 1-13  (18OCT - 26 OCT)
ART 2-13  (01 NOV - 09 NOV)
ART 5-13  (02 MAY - 10 MAY)
ART 6-13  (18 JUL - 26 JUL)
ART 7-13  (22AUG - 30AUG)

Pistol Range Dates:
(SNCOs and Officers)
APT 1-13  (27 NOV - 30 NOV)
APT 2-13  (15 JAN - 18 JAN)
APT 3-13  (19 MAR - 22 MAR)
APT 4-13  (02 APR - 05 APR)
APT 5-13 (04 JUN - 07 JUN)
APT 6-13  (09 JUL - 12 JUL)

**Sergeants and below will only be scheduled for the pistol range if it is their T/O weapon.
Quotas are extremly limited.

All Marines filling IA billets will fulfill their requirements at Quantico.
For more information contact the HQSVC Bn S-3 Training NCO (703) 784-2555

Please see 2013 TEEP

Semi-Annual Fitness Tests

Please see 2013 TEEP

CFT Score Charts
17-26 years old
27-39 years old
40-45 years old
46+years old

Please see 2013 TEEP

Contact Information
Operations Officer
Operations Chief
Operations Section
Base Heat Index Flag Procedures
Green Flag(Green Flag):
Heavy exercises, for activities of unacclimatized personnel will be conducted with caution and under constant supervision.
Yellow Flag(Yellow Flag):
Strenuous exercises, such as marching at standard cadence, will be suspended for unacclimatized troops in their first 2 or 3 weeks.  Outdoor classes in the sun are to be avoided.
Red Flag(Red Flag):
All physical training will be halted for those troops who have not become thoroughly acclimatized by at least 12 weeks of living and working in the area.  Those troops who are thoroughly acclimatized may carry on limited activity not to exceed 6 hours per day.
Black Flag(Black Flag):
All strenuous non-essential outdoor physical activity will be halted for all units. Essential activities are defined as those activities associated with scheduled exercises or other major training evolutions where the disruption would cause undue burden on personnel or resources, be excessively expensive, or significantly reduce a unit's combat readiness. Essential outdoor physical activity will be conducted at a level that is commensurate with personnel acclimatization as determined by the unit's commanding officer in coordination with the unit's medical officer or medical personnel. All efforts should be made to reschedule activities during cooler periods of the day.