Science & Technology Review Articles


Computer Control System

Controlling the World's Most Powerful Laser

The extraordinary size, complexity, and goals for the National Ignition Facility make the project one of the most ambitious in high-energy-density physics history. November 1998    htmlpdf
Light Blasts Strengthen Metals

Blasts of Light to Strengthen Metals

The LasershotSM Peening System is designed to extend the service lifetime of critical metal parts, from aircraft engine fan blades to hip joints, by a factor of three to five times over conventional peening treatments. October 1998   htmlpdf
Tabletop X-Ray Laser

The X-ray Laser: From Underground to Tabletop

A team at Livermore has developed a small "tabletop" X-ray laser that can be fired every three or four minutes. September 1998  htmlpdf
Deformable Mirror Testing

Keeping Laser Development on Target for the National Ignition Facility

The NIF laser technology and engineering team is making steady progress developing the advanced laser components and systems for the giant facility. March 1998   htmlpdf
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