John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Enhancing scientific discovery and problem-solving through integrated research.

Financial Information

Graphic showing money signThe number of Working Groups supported by the Powell Center each year is determined by the number of deserving proposals and available funds. Participation costs, including airfare, hotel, and per diem expenses, are paid with funds itemized in the approved budget for each proposal. Proposals must include a budget justification. Some funds are available for page charges and USGS salary, while working at the Powell Center. Working Group leaders prepare lists of names, contact information, and budget for participants invited to their meetings.

Approved projects are assigned a budget. Working Group leaders must remain within the budget, but have spending flexibility. Budgets should be expended during the study period indicated in the proposal. While most Working Groups meet twice over a two-year period, proposals with different timelines will be considered. Significant budgetary deviations must be discussed well in advance with the Powell Center Directors. If a Working Group is inactive for 12 months, it is assumed the project has been completed, even if unexpended funds remain. Extensions will be considered if appropriate reasons for delay are provided.

Please fill out the Powell Center budget sheet and include it in the body of your proposal.

Download Powell Center budget sheet

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Page Last Modified: Monday, January 07, 2013