John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Enhancing scientific discovery and problem-solving through integrated research.

Upon Proposal Approval

Surveying at KilaueaIf your proposal is selected for funding, please follow these steps:

Prior To First Meeting

  • Read information document for Working Group leaders.
  • Confirm your participants and identify times you can meet at the Powell Center over the term of your Working Group.
  • Coordinate Working Group dates with Powell Center staff (Jill, Marty, Lorie).
  • Have Working Group participants sign the Powell Center Code of Ethics and send to Lorie Hughes (fax: (970) 226-9103; e-mail:
  • Read the Guide to Information Technology Tools available to Working Groups
  • Fill out and submit the Information Technology Request Form, a minimum of one month prior to meeting at the Powell Center
  • Prior to project initiation, provide a long abstract, including an overview of the project and its intended results, for inclusion on the Powell Center website. Or, you may indicate the proposal abstract version is sufficient for web posting.
  • Also prior to project initiation, provide a summary of the Working Group project suitable for the educated public and students. The USGS and NSF are committed to increasing the public understanding of science. Therefore, in addition to results intended for the scientific community, public-friendly information outlining research will be posted to the Powell Center website. The public summary should be written at an 8th grade reading level and should include a simple title, the motivation for the project, its relevance for the public, and, if available, a couple of photographs.
  • Gather and compile data to be utilized by the Working Group.
  • Complete and submit an Extended Data Management Plan describing the data you plan to use and produce. Access data management plan templates and information.
  • Powell Center computing staff will contact the person identified as the Technical Liaison for the Working Group to prepare for computing needs and establish collaborative online tools.

Travel Information

Please dowload the domestic travel information packet and/or foreign travel information packet, which includes general information and travel forms or visit the Powell Center travel page. For Working Group members funded by NSF, travel and per diem costs will be paid by the host institution.

During Working Group Meetings

  • Work hard, collaborate, respect different opinions, and abide by the Powell Center Code of Ethics.

Following Project Completion

  • Provide an "exit summary" and other information upon project completion.
  • Report products generated by the Working Group within two weeks following the last Working Group meeting. Reporting research results is critical to measuring effectiveness and impact of the Powell Center. Powell Center products and results are reported over the project's lifespan and posted to the Powell Center website. Report products to: or For Working Groups that receive NSF funding, the final report will also be posted on NSF’s website.
  • Continue to report products as they are published. Products of interest include journal articles, book chapters, data sets, websites, presentations, proposals written and submitted as a result of the activity, workshops and meetings that occur as a result of the activity, workshops and meetings that occur as a result of the activity, and publicity in the popular press.
  • Acknowledge the Powell Center contributions to research in publications and reports using one of the suggested acknowledgement formats.
  • Register project data. The Powell Center is committed to making data and materials derived from project activities available to the broader scientific community (as stated in Reporting Requirements).


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Page Contact Information: Powell Center
Page Last Modified: Monday, January 07, 2013