David J. Barth

David Barth
Mission Director, Bosnia and Herzegovina

David J. Barth was the deputy chief of staff for the United States Agency for International Development. He previously served as the director of the Office of Education. A lawyer by training, David Barth’s interest in international affairs and commitment to public service led him to join the USAID in 1995. Barth has dedicated much of his career to promoting U.S. interests in the Middle East and North Africa, having spent almost a decade working in the region. He has served as USAID’s director of the Office of Middle East Programs and as regional legal advisor for Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco and Lebanon. During that time, he developed an expertise in large capital projects, as well as governance, economic growth, food security and education. He has also served as Agency legal advisor to the USAID missions in Central America.

Prior to joining USAID, Barth worked with Legal Services of Northern Virginia and served as speechwriter for the U.K. shadow Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in London. 

Barth graduated with honors from Boston University and the National Law Center at George Washington University. He is fluent in French and Spanish and has a working knowledge of Arabic. 

Barth has represented the United States on education issues at numerous international fora, including at UNESCO, the World Economic Forum and in support of G-8 initiatives in education. He has served as the chair of the G-8/BMENA literacy task force and speaks frequently throughout the world on the need for greater investments in learning.

Last updated: December 06, 2012

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