
  • Celebrating 10th anniversary of USAID support to Kosovo!

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  • Celebrating International Day of Democracy 2011, with support from USAID in Kosovo

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  • Firing peppers, Krusa Women’s Cooperative, supported by USAID/Kosovo

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  • Kosovo volunteers, Mission Director Maureen Shauket, Earth Day/Global Youth Service Day

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  • Preparing peppers, Women’s Cooperative, Krusa, supported by USAID

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Frontiers in Development Day One Speeches: Security, Development, and Democracy
Day One Speeches: Security, Development, and Democracy
Ms. Fatbardha Abazi, explains to interested students how to fill personal information which will enter the Center's database
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Children at the BAMBI daycare center playing in the garden during a USAID staff visit.
A First for Private Daycare



USAID's projects in Kosovo focus on economic growth, democracy and governance to help achieve lasting security, prosperity and stability. Improved education, economic opportunities and quality of life increase the confidence of Kosovo Serbs that they have a viable future in Kosovo.

Some of the Agency's efforts in the country include:

  • Community-based programs that have rehabilitated and built community infrastructure, engaged young people and supported businesses in minority areas of Kosovo.
  • Economic growth activities to develop Kosovo’s private sector and modernize the business environment, increasing local production and employment for the short- and long-term growth of local enterprises, and reducing imports.
  • Strengthening rule-of-law, good governance, decentralization and democracy.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Arberia, Ismail Qemali Street, House NO. 1
10000 Pristina
+038 5959 2000

Headquarters Contact

Taisha Jones
U.S. Agency for International Development
Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, SA-44
(202) 567-4426
(202) 567-4261

Mission Director

Last updated: February 05, 2013

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