tva logoTennessee Valley Authority


Allen Fossil Plant

What TVA is doing about emissions at Allen

TVA has taken a number of steps to make the efficient generation of power at Allen as clean as possible:

  • The plant is equipped with electrostatic precipitators that capture ash from the burning coal.
  • The use of low-sulfur coal from the western United States limits emissions of sulfur dioxide.
  • A technology called overfire air limits the production of nitrogen oxides that contribute to the formation of ozone and acid rain. This technology involves modifications that reduce the oxygen available to form nitrogen oxides in the furnaces’ combustion zones.
  • All three units at Allen operate selective catalytic reduction systems reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by up to 90 percent.
  • In support of recent environmental agreements and its vision of being one of the nation’s leading providers of low-cost and cleaner energy by 2020, TVA will add scrubbers to all three units at Allen by Dec. 31, 2018.

Carbon dioxide

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Nitrogen oxides

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Sulfur dioxide

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Toxics Release Inventory

2011 data

All amounts are in pounds

Chemical Air Water Land Off-Site Disposal Total
Hydrochloric Acid (aerosol) 200,000 0 0 0 200,000
Hydrogen Fluoride 150,000 0 0 0 150,000
Sulfuric Acid (aerosol) 24 0 0 0 24
Ammonia 176,000 150 0 0 176,150
Antimony Compounds          
Arsenic Compounds          
Barium Compounds 9,930 18,000 560,000 930,029 1,517,959
Beryllium Compounds          
Cadmium Compounds          
Chromium Compounds          
Cobalt Compounds          
Copper Compounds 321 2,600 13,000 39,000 54,921
Lead Compounds 260 0 2,300 18,017 20,578
Manganese Compounds 646 0 25,000 35,000 60,646
Mercury Compounds 180 1 10 76 266
Nickel Compounds          
Selenium Compounds          
Silver Compounds          
Thallium Compounds          
Vanadium Compounds 401 2,300 18,000 35,400 56,101
Zinc Compounds 1,001 2,700 8,100 31,000 42,801
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0 0 0 0 0
Naphthalene 31 0 0 0 31
Nitrate Compounds          
Dioxin (grams) 1 0 0 0 1
Dioxin (lbs) 0 0 0 0 0
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 16 0 8 1 25
Hydrazine         0
Total 538,811 25,751 626,418 1,088,524 2,279,502


Gross MWh Generated: 5,086,720
Pounds Released per MWh: 0.448



Emissions by plant


Bull Run




John Sevier





Widows Creek

Other sites


Emissions by type

Carbon Dioxide

Nitrogen Oxides

Ozone Particulates

Sulfur Dioxide

Greenhouse Gases

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)


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