tva logoTennessee Valley Authority


Bull Run Fossil Plant

What TVA is doing about emissions at Bull Run

TVA has taken a number of steps to make the efficient generation of power at Bull Run as clean as possible:

  • The use of low-sulfur coal from eastern Kentucky reduces emissions of sulfur dioxide.
  • A scrubber that began operating in December 2008 is further reducing sulfur dioxide emissions by 95 percent.
  • The plant is equipped with electrostatic precipitators that capture ash from the burning coal.
  • Boiler optimization controls, which burn the coal more thoroughly and efficiently, limit the production of nitrogen oxides.
  • A selective catalytic reduction system further reduces nitrogen oxide emissions by about 90 percent.

Carbon dioxide

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Nitrogen oxides

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Sulfur dioxide

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Toxics Release Inventory

2011 data

All amounts are in pounds

Chemical Air Water Land Off-Site Disposal Total
Hydrochloric Acid (aerosol) 44,000 0 0 0 44,000
Hydrogen Fluoride 9,200 0 0 0 9,200
Sulfuric Acid (aerosol) 69,000 0 0 0 69,000
Ammonia 14,080 620 0 0 14,700
Antimony Compounds          
Arsenic Compounds          
Barium Compounds 118 0 209,000 11,004 220,122
Beryllium Compounds          
Cadmium Compounds          
Chromium Compounds 73 31 23,100 1,300 24,504
Cobalt Compounds          
Copper Compounds 66 2,600 28,800 1,600 33,066
Lead Compounds 34 0 12,310 711 13,055
Manganese Compounds 118 30 37,700 1,700 39,548
Mercury Compounds 32 0 140 4 176
Nickel Compounds 82 480 19,400 1,000 20,962
Selenium Compounds          
Silver Compounds          
Thallium Compounds          
Vanadium Compounds 57 550 44,700 2,400 47,707
Zinc Compounds 240 410 30,900 1,700 33,250
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0 0 0 0 0
Naphthalene 16 0 0 0 16
Nitrate Compounds 0 63,000 0 0 63,000
Dioxin (grams) 1 0 0 0 1
Dioxin (lbs) 0 0 0 0 0
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 8 0 3 0 11
Hydrazine         0
Total 137,124 67,721 406,053 21,419 632,317


Gross MWh Generated: 2,970,440
Pounds Released per MWh: 0.213



Emissions by plant


Bull Run




John Sevier





Widows Creek

Other sites


Emissions by type

Carbon Dioxide

Nitrogen Oxides

Ozone Particulates

Sulfur Dioxide

Greenhouse Gases

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)


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