ACAP On-Line the Army’s Official Transition Web Site. Start your transition process with Preseparation Counseling.


About ACAP

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The Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) delivering a world-class transition program for America’s Army that ensures all eligible transitioners have the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to be competitive and successful in the global workforce. ACAP helps transitioners to make informed career decisions through benefits counseling and employment assistance. ACAP is responsible for delivering both transition assistance and employment assistance services. While the ACAP Center traditionally has been the principal service provider for these services, now transitioners have the option to use the ACAP On-Line website to receive services from any location with Internet capability 24/7.

ACAP is designed to accomplish several key objectives. ACAP ensures all Soldiers who leave the Army with more than 180 days of active duty comply with legal and regulatory requirements to receive preseparation counseling on available transition assistance services and benefits as early as possible. This congressionally mandated counseling must occur no later than 90 days prior to separation and be documented on DD Form 2648. ACAP also ensures these Soldiers are offered an opportunity to receive employment assistance. The opportunity to receive employment assistance also is mandated by Public Law. In addition to complying with Public Law, ACAP fosters and promotes Army retention, both on Active Duty and in the National Guard or Army Reserve, and recruiting. ACAP’s caring dedication to Soldiers and their families engenders a positive feeling toward the Army and improves the Army’s ability to retain and recruit young men and women.

ACAP provides effective transition and employment assistance services that help transitioners assess their skills and objectives then set goals and achieve them. The ACAP process and individual counseling they receive enable transitioners to overcome barriers. Counseling also engenders individual motivation that encourages transitioners to return for more services. Services provided in a caring manner build trust and result in desired outcomes. Finally, Counselors are willing to stake their professional reputations on their belief clients who complete ACAP are fully equipped to succeed.

ACAP reference materials are available for download.