Town Hall Meeting

The next Humphreys Garrison Community Town Hall Meeting is at the Community Activity Center, April 16, 2013, starting at 6 p.m.

Next Townhall: Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 6 p.m. @ Community Activity Center

Download the next Townhall Slides

Town Hall Issues and Answers are available below or for download in the Downloads Tab!

The Town Hall Meeting is a quarterly forum open for Solders, Civilians and Families who live, work, serve, train and play at Humphreys Garrison. The USAG-Humphreys Commander and directorate chiefs are ready to listen to your concerns and address any questions about the installation. Everyone is encouraged to attend and voice their opinions to the Commander and his staff.

Send comments and questions to  

Question & Answer Session from latest Town Hall Meeting.

Army Health Clinic

1. ISSUE:  Recently all referrals for prenatal care and delivery have begun to be declined, including Dankook.  Additionally, the Stork’s Nest has been closed, requiring all mothers to deliver over an hour away (on a good day for traffic) at 121 in Yongsan.  DHL is offering $30/night for mothers, but this will still require 121 or Tricare to limit the maternal care for expectant mothers to ONE hospital in the country, a hospital which does not even have a NICU.

RESPONSE: This information is incorrect...there may have been some miscommunication.  You can still deliver at Dankook.  The Stork’s Nest at 121 may not close, and as you mentioned, DHL is the other option. 121 or Dankook are the hospitals for delivery.  Active Duty Soldiers can go to Dankook.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson, Phone:  753-8116

Army Health Clinic

2. ISSUE:  What is the expected timeframe for a larger Medical and Dental clinic with the growing population?

RESPONSE: The new hospital is expected to open August 2016.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson, Phone:  753-8116

Army Health Clinic

3. ISSUE:  I’ve been here five days.  When my wife went to in process the Dental Clinic she was told to go off-post for dependent dental care.  Will the medical and dental clinic grow with the population?

RESPONSE: Family members are only seen on a space-available basis.  Currently Family members are asked to go through Tricare for off-post dental care.  Once the dental clinic moves out of the hospital, around July 2014, we will be able to provide more exam rooms upstairs.  The new medical clinic will come on-line in about 3 years.  The new Dental Clinic will be the largest in the Army when ready around July 2014.  Until then the dental clinic may not be able to provide all the services needed.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson , Phone:  753-8116

Army Health Clinic

4. ISSUE:  Ambulance.  What is the policy for ambulance transfer as far as a nurse/doctor, someone other than the driver, being present?

RESPONSE: We only have a medical transport vehicle, no ambulance.  When someone calls 911 only a driver and medic respond. They will respond and take the individual to the nearest Emergency Room which is normally Good Morning Hospital for Camp Humphrey’s residents
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson , Phone:  753-8116

Army Health Clinic

5. ISSUE:  Shuttle.  When closures are posted can the Dankook shuttle status be included? 

RESPONSE: Yes, we can post shuttle closures
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson, Phone:  753-8116

Army Health Clinic

6. ISSUE:  Ambulance.  I was taken to Dankook by a driver and no one was in the back with me.  I almost died.

RESPONSE: It is up to the medical doctor on duty to decide if a medic goes in the ambulance with the patient.  If you provide me additional information I will look into your situation.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson, Phone:  753-8116
Army Health Clinic

7. ISSUE:  Is there a 24/7 service for translations for English-only speaking patients at off-post hospitals?

RESPONSE: Yes, our case manager is on-call.  She will go to the hospital to translate, even on weekends.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson, Phone:  753-8116

Army Health Clinic

8. ISSUE:  Dankook Care.  The community needs to know that students provide care and do procedures unless submitted in writing.  Also they do not require the same medical consent as hospital in the US.  Can we tell them we don’t want to be worked on by students?

RESPONSE: Yes, this can be brought up at the orientation and with the case manager before the appointment.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Major Davidson, Phone:  753-8116

Directorate of Emergency Services

9. ISSUE:  I understand bicycles need to obey traffic laws like cars.  I saw a bike go through a stop sign with an MP Car present, at the intersection.

RESPONSE:   I addressed this issue this morning
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Mr. Thomas, DSN 753-3199

10. ISSUE:  Housing. You can’t move into 3-bedroom housing until your baby is born.  Can move-in date be before the baby is born?  No one likes to move just after having a baby.

RESPONSE: We follow strict Army regulations on housing.  Please visit the housing chief for answers to your question.
STATUS:  Final
POC: Mr. Polaski,  DSN 753-6050

11. ISSUE: New construction.  Could information be given out on all the new buildings that are being built out past the schools?  Also when do they plan on breaking ground for the PX/Commissary? 

RESPONSE: Yes, DPW will provide an update with slides on the new construction at the next town hall meeting.  The construction on the “downtown” area which will include the PX and Commissary along with Arts and Craft, a bowling center, and restaurants is scheduled to begin the first quarter of 2014.
POC:  Mr. Polaski, DSN 753-6050

12. ISSUE: When are we going to a recycling program on base?

RESPONSE: Currently the contractor does it off post. 
POC:  Mr. Polaski , DSN 753-6050

13. ISSUE: Are there any possibility to encourage people to reduce trash on base.

RESPONSE: Mr Polaski stated:  I am going to task the Chief of the Environmental Office to take that on.  Through the Environmental Office we will look at putting out information on how to recycle.
POC:  Mr. Polaski , DSN 753-6050

14. ISSUE: Reduction of plastic bags.  Is it possible to reduce the use of plastic bags in The Exchange and give an incentive to people to bring their own bags?

RESPONSE: AAFES currently sells a cloth recycle bag and will give 5 cents off of your purchase if you bring and use this bag at checkout.  If someone doesn’t want a plastic bag, we shouldn’t give them a bag. 
POC:  Mr. Pena, DSN 753-6870

Family Morale, Welfare & Recreation (FMWR)
15. ISSUE:  Indoor playground.  Has the possibility of an indoor playground been considered?

RESPONSE:  Nothing is currently in the plans.  We may take one end of the Super Gym and make it a place where kids can play indoors during the cold weather.
POC:  Mr. Claycomb, DSN 754-7452

Family Morale, Welfare & Recreation (FMWR)
16. ISSUE:  Can we have certain days where the indoor pools can be heated to a higher temperature for kids?

RESPONSE:  We can take a look at it.  Pools are regulated by regulation.  We will look at what we can do.
POC:  Mr. Claycomb, DSN 754-7452

Family Morale, Welfare & Recreation (FMWR)
17. ISSUE:  Kids on site.  Are you going to bring back “kids on site” specifically during evening hours when parents are attending exercise classes?

RESPONSE:  No.  We gave it a good effort for months but did not have enough business from it.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Mr. Claycomb, DSN 754-7452

18. ISSUE:  Substitute teaching:  This year I have noticed that subs are not getting hired.  Some subs in particular who have been subs for two and on half years no longer get called.  I know there is a shortfall, so what is the issue?  This is a big concern for dependant spouses.

RESPONSE:  You need to come to the school and talk with the principal. We will give all the opportunity to sub.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Ms. Diggs, DSN 753-6313

19. ISSUE:  Is there a plan for keeping children healthy while walking from elementary school North and South during inclement weather?

RESPONSE:  We remind parents to dress kids appropriately for the weather.  Some parents do well – others do not.  Sometimes we refer the parents that do not send their children to school properly dressed to Family Advocacy.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Ms.  Diggs, DSN 753-6313

20. ISSUE:  Is there a time/date when the curfew will be lifted?

RESPONSE:  No. I think curfew will be around for awhile.
STATUS:  Final
POC:  Col Conkright, DSN 754-5108

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