Democracy Class

Decmocracy Class

The Democracy Class is structured in three parts. First, students learn the importance of the core U.S. values of individual freedom, clearly enunciated by Thomas Jefferson early in the nation’s history. The lesson then stresses the constitutional principles of limited government, federalism, and guarantees of individual rights.

Students learn that the Constitution firmly vests Congress with the power to create and fund the United States military. The president, an elected official, is the Commander-in-Chief. The Democracy Class explains how various laws enacted by Congress have further solidified civilian rule under the civilian Secretary of Defense and helped the United States to avert any kind of military insertion into democratic decision-making.

We highlight that U.S. law prohibits the military from carrying out any kind of civilian police work. This includes the arrest, search, or investigation of citizens in regard to domestic law enforcement activity. The class also features case studies of presidential actions in asserting control of the military. The Institute weaves principles of democracy into operational training in the field.