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MDCP Updates & Success Stories

Year of Update
Cooperator Title
Total Exports to Date($)
  Market(s) Industry
2012   Center for International Trade Development at El Camino College   Green Export Enabler Program Generates Cleantech Exports 7,006,855   China, Hong Kong   Clean energy technology
2012   University HealthSystem Consortium   Export of healthcare services     Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, UAE, others   Healthcare services
2011   National Tour Association   ITA helps NTA translate pent-up demand into tourism exports. 
  China   Tourism
2011   Independent Film and Television Alliance   First ever American pavillion yields 100 export sales
  China, Indonesia, Singapore, others   Motion pictures
2011   American Society of Transportation and Logistics   MDCP partner AST&L Launches Training Program in China 
  China   Logistics
2010   Capital Region USA   Capital Region USA Expands Exports
  U.K., Germany, France, Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil and Korea   Tourism
2010   Evergreen Building Products Association  

EBPA Exports Create or Maintain 48 Jobs in Oregon

  China   Building materials

Association for Manufacturing Technology

  Continued Success in Shanghai
  China   Machine tools

North Dakota Trade Office

  Big Iron Farm Equipment Show in Fargo
  Ukraine   Farm equipment

Steel Founders' Society of America

  Steel Standards Activity Produces $88 Million in Additional Exports
  World   Steel
2008   Hosiery Technology Center   Hosiery Firms Turn Toward Global Markets
  Japan, Germany, Norway   Hosiery
2008   International District Energy Association   IDEA Helps Johnson Controls Export to U.A.E
  United Arab Emirates   District cooling (combined heat/air conditioning/power generation)
2006   ATSC Forum   Common Digital TV Standard Urged for Western Hemisphere (Export America, February 2004)
  Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico   High-definition television equipment

NPES, The Association for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing, and Converting Technologies

  NPES Becomes First U.S. Association with Office in India, NPES Trade Missions to India 
  India   Printing & related equipment.




Garment Industry Development Corporation

  Americans in Paris (Export America, February 2003)
  France, Italy, Spain   Apparel
2003   U.S. Chamber of Commerce   TradeRoots (Export America, February 2003)
  Worldwide   Various
2002   National Association of Credit Managers  
Assessing Risk and Getting Paid (Export America, April 2002)
Not applicable
  Worldwide   Credit management
2001-2003   Automation Alley   Small Business Export Initiative (Automation Alley, September 2001).Working Together for Global Trade (Export America, February 2002) Small Business Export Initiative: China Trade Mission 2002 (Automation Alley, May 2002). Firm Hopes Flight Bag Will Fly with Pilots (The Detroit News, February 2003).
  Germany, China, Mexico   Information technology, Automation
2001   Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission  
  Germany   Wood products
2000   Garment Industry Development Corporation  
MDCP Helps New York Draw Foreign Buyers (Export America, July 2000)
  United Kingdom, Germany   Apparel



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