Highway Design Process


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Project Development Process Flowchart

The Acrobat Icon Project Development Process Flowchart  (Acrobat, 940 KB) is an approximation of the project development process. The current process has changed somewhat and is better described by the design activities described on the left menu.

Each task box shown in the flow chart may be selected to access a detailed activity definition. Each activity definition contains links to forms, guidelines, and policies where appropriate.

Every attempt has been made to provide a complete Project Development Process Flow Chart. However, if missing links or errors are found, please contact the webmaster.

Project Development Process Flow Chart

Project Planning Preliminary Environmental Review Environmental Resource Surveys NEPA Preparation Milestone #1: Complete Project Development Initiation Preliminary Survey and Mapping NEPA Process (See detailed process on right) Milestone #2: Determine NEPA Decision Document Type Preliminary Design Milestone #3: Complete NEPA Decision Document Permits Right of Way and Utility Location WFLHD Preliminary Review Intermediate Design Intermediate Review Milestone #4: Complete Intermediate Project Development Phase Intermediate Design Revisions Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Agreements Preliminary Staking Prepare PIH Plans, Specifications and Estimate PIH Review Milestone #5: Complete Plan-in-Hand (PIH) Project Development Phase Final Design Mitigation Commitment Summary Final Design Review Milestone #6: Complete Final Project Development Phase PS&E Sign-Off NEPA Follow-up Sign-Off Review and Contract Prep Advertisement Award Milestone #7: PS&E Package Delivery Contract Support Design to Construction Handoff Meeting Notice to Proceed Mid-Construction Review Post-Construction Review Does a Categorical Exclusion (CE) apply? Milestone #2: Determine NEPA Decision Document Type Prepare Categorical Exclusion (CE) and 4f Statement if necessary Is this a major action with significant impacts? Prepare Environmental Assessment (EA) Is an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) required? Milestone #2: Determine NEPA Decision Document Type Prepare EIS and 4f Statement if necessary Prepare Record of Decision (ROD) Prepare Finding of No Significant (FONSI) and 4f Statement if necessary Milestones Design Task Technical Services Branch (TSB) Task Environment Task Acquisitions Task Construction Task

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