Highway Design Process


If you find errors, obsolete links, or have suggestions for improvement please contact the Project Development Team.

Revise initial line and grade for intermediate (50%) design

Begin intermediate design by further revising the line and grade along with the accompanying design elements:

  1. Incorporate comments from 30% review
  2. Develop responses to 30% review comments
  3. Update Typical Sections
  4. Update Roadway geometric design
  5. Develop approach road design
  6. Develop pullouts and parking area design
  7. Develop' worst case' construction and clearing limits

Step 1: Incorporate comments from 30% review

Instructions Resources References
Use the QA/QC Checklist Excel Spreadsheet to incorporate any comments to the 50% PS&E package. QA/QC Checklist

Step 2: Develop responses to 30% review comments

Instructions Resources References
Using the QA/QC Checklist Excel Spreadsheet, respnd to all comments or recommendations to the 30% PS&E review package. QA/QC Checklist

Step 3: Update Typical Sections

Instructions Resources References
Update roadway templates (lane, shoulder, curve widening, foreslope, ditch, median, curbs, etc.) and subexcavation.
GEOPAK, Setting up Project Manager Highway Design Tools
Update the typical section limits - (clear zone, topsoil, seeding, clearing, construction)
GEOPAK, Undivided New Construction" Proposed Cross-Sections Highway Design Tools
Update the structural section - (in conformance with the Pavement Selection Team decision)
GEOPAK, Undivided New Construction" Proposed Cross-Sections Highway Design Tools

Step 4: Update Roadway geometric design

Instructions Resources References
Provide final line and grade for final TS&L
Technical Guidance Manuals PDDM Chapter 10, Structural Design
Complete the horizontal and vertical alignments
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Using Elements Highway Design Tools
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Using PI
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Using ASCII File
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Display
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Annotate
GEOPAK, Generate Existing Ground Profile
GEOPAK, Generate Existing Ground Profile, Traditional Method
GEOPAK, "Component Based" Profile Design Tool
GEOPAK, "VPI Based" Profile Design Tool
GEOPAK, Display Profile Graphically
Update planimetric design features
GEOPAK, Curve Widening: Introduction
GEOPAK, Plan View Overrides
GEOPAK, MSE Wall Design
GEOPAK, Special Ditch Grades
GEOPAK, Cut Side Wall Design
GEOPAK, Fill Side Wall Design
GEOPAK, Parapet Wall Design
GEOPAK, MSE Wall Design
Paved ditches, curb, etc.
Technical Guidance Manuals
GEOPAK, Special Ditch Grades
Asphalt Paved Ditch, Asphalt Curb (CFL), Adhoc Help
Asphalt Paved Ditch, Concrete Curb (CFL), Adhoc Help
Asphalt Paved Ditch, Concrete Curb and Gutter (CFL), Adhoc Help
Ditch Foreslope Height, Adhoc Help
Ditch Foreslope, Adhoc Help
Flat Bottom Ditch Width, Adhoc Help
Curb, Type 1, Adhocs
Curb, Type 2, Adhocs
Curb, Type 3, Adhocs
Complete design exception portion of WFLHD-3.
Highway Design Standards
Update the Roadway Cross Sections
GEOPAK, Existing Features on Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Right-of-Way on Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Rehabilitation (3R) Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Undivided New Construction" Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Automated Cross Section Labeling

Step 5: Develop approach road design

Instructions Resources References
Revise horizontal and vertical for approaches
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Using Elements PDDM, Technical Guidance Manuals
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Using PI
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Using ASCII File
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Display
GEOPAK, Horizontal Alignment, Annotate
GEOPAK, Generate Existing Ground Profile
GEOPAK, Generate Existing Ground Profile, Traditional Method
GEOPAK, "Component Based" Profile Design Tool
GEOPAK, "VPI Based" Profile Design Tool
GEOPAK, Display Profile Graphically
Create/Update plan and profile sheets
Cell Libraries, Work_dd, Sheet borders PDDM, Technical Guidance Manuals
Develop major intersection plans
PDDM, Technical Guidance Manuals
Update cross sections.
GEOPAK, Existing Features on Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Right-of-Way on Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Rehabilitation (3R) Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Undivided New Construction" Proposed Cross-Sections
GEOPAK, Automated Cross Section Labeling

Step 6: Develop pullouts and parking area design

Instructions Resources References
Revise layouts
GEOPAK Typicals, Adhoc Help, Proposed Pavement Widening
Cell Libraries, Work_dd, Pavement markings
Develop proposed curb and gutter, sidewalks, and parking stalls
Asphalt Paved Ditch, Asphalt Curb (CFL), Adhoc Help
Asphalt Paved Ditch, Concrete Curb (CFL), Adhoc Help
Asphalt Paved Ditch, Concrete Curb and Gutter (CFL), Adhoc Help
Curb, Type 1, Adhocs
Curb, Type 2, Adhocs
Curb, Type 3, Adhocs
Adjust grades for proper drainage
Drainage Summary AASHTO Green Book 2011
Verify design meets ADA requirements
Access Board, Public Rights-of-Way

Step 7: Develop' worst case' construction and clearing limits

Instructions Resources References
Develop' worst case' construction and clearing limits based on 1, 2, 3, and 4 above. This will be used for permits, R/W and utility work.
GEOPAK, Generate Slope Stake Limits
GEOPAK, Generate Clearing Limits

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