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DAQ and Controls

Compact And Programmable daTa Acquisition Node (CAPTAN) 

The Electronic Systems Engineering department of Fermilab Scientific Computing Division has developed a data acquisition system that is flexible and powerful enough to meet the demands of pixel and strip detectors for high energy physics applications, but also capable of far broader application utility. The individual unit within the system is known as a Compact And Programmable daTa Acquisition Node, or CAPTAN.  




  • Simple DAQ: It is 6” x 6” and, for many systems, the only external connections needed are a 3.3V power supply and a standard Ethernet cable.
  • Flexible DAQ: A user can stack compatiblae boards in different combinations to give unique functionality.
  • Scalable DAQ: In addition to the vertical stacking, the stacks can be repeated artbitrarily and conneced with one or many PCs in an Ethernet network.


CAPTAN Pixel Telescope

  • The CAPTAN pixel telesceope is part of the FTBF facility and has been used by many experiments as a high resolution tracking tool to characterize different Detectors Under Test (DUTs).

  • List of Fermilab Test Beam Facility Experiments using the telescope:
    • T992 - Radiation-Hard Sensors for the HL-LHC
    • T995 - Scintillator Muon/Tail Catcher R&D with SiPM Readout
    • T979 - Fast Timing Counters – PSEC Collaboration
    • T1004 - Total Absorption Dual Readout Calorimetry R&D
    • T1006 - Response and Uniformity Studies of Directly Coupled Tiles
    • T1017 - CIRTE (COUPP Iodine Recoil Threshold Experiment)


Rad-Hard Sensor Testing using CAPTAN

The goal is to test new rad-hard sensor candidates for the HL-LHC vertex detector before and after irradiation. CAPTAN is used to readout the DUT both in bench test and beam test.  

  • Diamond sensors


  • 3D sensors



  • MCz planar silicon sensors
  • FZ planar silicon, p-type silicon



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Last updated by cdweb on 10/11/2012

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