Fermilab Computing Sector
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D0 Computing  

Dzero ImageThe D0 Experiment consists of a worldwide collaboration of scientists conducting research on the fundamental nature of matter. The experiment is located at Fermilab. The research is focused on precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies. It involves an intense search for subatomic clues that reveal the character of the building blocks of the universe.

The Computing Sector provides the critical computing infrastructure for the D0 experiment, including hardware systems, data handling and storage, software tools and database administration. The sector also supports raw data logging and archiving, production operations and online system administration. Massive D0 analysis farms have been set up to handle the vast amount of data generated from the experiment. The D0 farm alone consists of over a thousand computer nodes that are connected together for the rapid reconstruction of D0 data and data analysis.

The sector also manages applications that controls the event data flow on the Online host nodes, including the tasks that receive the event data from the Level 3 farm nodes, log the data, distribute the data to monitoring tasks, and ship the data to the Offline repositories.

The sector is now in the process of migrating computing resources to grid. D0 farms will be an integral part of FermiGrid, which in turn contributes to Open Science Grid. Data movements between off-site computing and on-site data handling systems will proceed via fully grid-compliant mechanisms.


More Information: D0 Computing and Core Software, D0 Experiment Home  




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Last updated by cdweb on 04/29/2008


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